nem ???


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what do they eat? i got two cond nems 1 purpul and 1 white and will they hurt my oter fish if they bump in to them or just give them a lil zap?
um....u can filter feed them but u know nems require really really stable tanks....especially if you are about to move you tank and how new it is you may consider trading them for something a little more stable.......but to answer your question i believe u can filter feed them like brine shrimp stuff like that. I had my GBTA and really never had to target feed it.

o yeah what lights do u have on your tank werent u looking for lights? nems require HO T5's or MH's.........

o yeah dont think i was trying to stray off topic or put down the thread at all i was just telling u a little about what I know of Nems since i had kept one
jaydm93teg;190867 wrote: um....u can filter feed them but u know nems require really really stable tanks....especially if you are about to move you tank and how new it is you may consider trading them for something a little more stable.......but to answer your question i believe u can filter feed them like brine shrimp stuff like that. I had my GBTA and really never had to target feed it.

o yeah what lights do u have on your tank werent u looking for lights? nems require HO T5's or MH's.........

o yeah dont think i was trying to stray off topic or put down the thread at all i was just telling u a little about what I know of Nems since i had kept one

depends on the nem though. just for contrast, aptatia grows in the nastiest of tanks and sometimes, just will not die...I have a long tentacle that will survive about anything I can through at it, and lived fine under really low (1 watt per gallon) lighing for a little while untill I upgraded to PCs
i was thinking a condi nem was kinda like a bubble tip nem when it comes to light and water requirements but i may be really really wrong. and if i am i apologize for straying this thread off topic.....SORRY J GILL never my intention
jaydm93teg;190872 wrote: i was thinking a condi nem was kinda like a bubble tip nem when it comes to light and water requirements but i may be really really wrong. and if i am i apologize for straying this thread off topic.....SORRY J GILL never my intention

its cool i just got them to see if they will live in my tank i got them at petco they were only $7.00 so not a big loss if they dont live and they are very easy nems from what i have been told i mean they cant be to hard for that lil
You can try to aggitate him so he deflates,then try to pry the foot off the rock. My condi would shrivel up when I swooshed water at him and I could usually pick up the rock and wave it around and he'd fall off.

I loved my Condi when I had him!! He got too big for my tank though.. he was the size of a small watermelon when open.
I fed him Krill, and my maroon (who hosted him) would feed him shrimps, pellets, anything that I fed her. She won't feed any other nem, though- weird little booger.
They dont' seriously hurt the other fish- my Yellow Tang would run into him all the time.. He'd flick around for a second, but was never worse for wear.

I only had PCs at the time, and he was just fine.
well i would try that but the rock he is on is about a 8# rock and its on the bottom of the rock work. but the light i have now is the one that came with the tank with a bulb form petco and they both are doing fine the purple is about the size of a softball and in the store was alot smaller
my new girl
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and here is the guy
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I feed by bta's and other assorted nem's silver sides. Never ran across a nem that would not eat a silverside or piece there of. You can buy them frozen at PetSmart and of course your LFS. Your crabs and starfish will love the silver sides too.

I have also had good luck with mysis shrimp (frozen from PetSmart) but they are so small you have to dump them on the nem in a big pile. Yea, not pretty. But if your nem is not feeling well and being a picky eater then the mysis are just about a sure bet. Plus your various corals will love them as well.
well as of right now thats all thats in there my girlfriend seen the nems and had to have them. i know i went the wrong way about it i should have got some corals 1st but oh well. they seem to be doing good one has doubled in size but the other is on the bottom of the rock now not just in the hole
Just remember, Condi's are atlantic...No clowns are atlantic.. hosting is a crapshoot...If thats the intention
RaisingTwo2006;191129 wrote: You can try to aggitate him so he deflates,then try to pry the foot off the rock. My condi would shrivel up when I swooshed water at him and I could usually pick up the rock and wave it around and he'd fall off.

I loved my Condi when I had him!! He got too big for my tank though.. he was the size of a small watermelon when open.
I fed him Krill, and my maroon (who hosted him) would feed him shrimps, pellets, anything that I fed her. She won't feed any other nem, though- weird little booger.
They dont' seriously hurt the other fish- my Yellow Tang would run into him all the time.. He'd flick around for a second, but was never worse for wear.

I only had PCs at the time, and he was just fine.
ok so i did try this and it did not work i tried to get him to deflate and he would not i had my finger all in him lol (that sounds nasty dont it) and he did nothing i took the rock out of the tank for maybe 3 mins and nothing but now like i said he is on the bottom of the rock so will he do his own thing and get where he feels right or should i do something
Wow.. stubborn little dude.

He'll move to where he wants..Mine thought for sure he was going to stay in the back corner of my tank (all inflated and happy- but all you could see was the tentacles waving over the back of the rock) until I kept getting him off the rock and blocking the hole.

They have a mind of their own for not having a mind at all !!
RaisingTwo2006;191463 said:
the back corner of my tank (all inflated and happy- but all you could see was the tentacles waving over the back of the rock)quote]
wow how crazy is this mine is doing the same. the light just came on and guess where he is????? on the back sideof the same rock he was on omg what can i do???
OH, btw- Mine looked just like your purple one..very pretty!
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