So I just got back into the hobby after about a 4 year hiatus. I’ve started a budget 10 gallon nano reef tank. The tank is still cycling and gonna wait about 2-3 more weeks before I add anything. I was hoping y’all could answer some questions for me.
I don’t have a test kit at the moment. I’ll get one on pay day. With that being said, is there anyone around west Georgia I could bring a sample of water to to see if I need to add a shrimp to kick start the cycle. No visual diatoms or algae yet.
In a few weeks , I figured I would add a small clean up crew. Maybe 3 crabs and 2 snails? Is this good ? And suggestions on what type?
I planned on adding a small drag of zoas or a frogspawn for first coral. Anyone have any cheap frags in a few weeks I could buy?
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I don’t have a test kit at the moment. I’ll get one on pay day. With that being said, is there anyone around west Georgia I could bring a sample of water to to see if I need to add a shrimp to kick start the cycle. No visual diatoms or algae yet.
In a few weeks , I figured I would add a small clean up crew. Maybe 3 crabs and 2 snails? Is this good ? And suggestions on what type?
I planned on adding a small drag of zoas or a frogspawn for first coral. Anyone have any cheap frags in a few weeks I could buy?
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