New 10 gallon nano tank help


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So I just got back into the hobby after about a 4 year hiatus. I’ve started a budget 10 gallon nano reef tank. The tank is still cycling and gonna wait about 2-3 more weeks before I add anything. I was hoping y’all could answer some questions for me.

I don’t have a test kit at the moment. I’ll get one on pay day. With that being said, is there anyone around west Georgia I could bring a sample of water to to see if I need to add a shrimp to kick start the cycle. No visual diatoms or algae yet.

In a few weeks , I figured I would add a small clean up crew. Maybe 3 crabs and 2 snails? Is this good ? And suggestions on what type?

I planned on adding a small drag of zoas or a frogspawn for first coral. Anyone have any cheap frags in a few weeks I could buy?


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Check out my cheap 10 g build thread. I use the same light but have it turned way down. Every press of each button(whites or blues) turns it down 10%
Check out my cheap 10 g build thread. I use the same light but have it turned way down. Every press of each button(whites or blues) turns it down 10%

Nice! Almost the same build. Same light and I have same filter with intentions of song the refugium build to it too. I need to get the skimmer attachment and the aftermarket refugium basket up grade.

How is your take doing after a few months of up and running?

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What aquaclear are you running? I recommend getting something like this to help skim the surface.
It doesn't work like a hang on the back skimmer but it does prevent surface oils and if you run poly-filter it helps polish all water coming throught the hob

Running the aqua clear 70. I planned on getting this for it.

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It's been good however I got way too many corals too fast. Everything is growing very well but I'm losing about one DKH of alkalinity every four days so I have to do water changes every two or three days. I get my water from the LFS so it's a pain having to go back and forth but at least it's really close to my house. I'm already upgrading to a drilled 22 g with a sump and making the 10 a QT
It's been good however I got way too many corals too fast. Everything is growing very well but I'm losing about one DKH of alkalinity every four days so I have to do water changes every two or three days. I get my water from the LFS so it's a pain having to go back and forth but at least it's really close to my house. I'm already upgrading to a drilled 22 g with a sump and making the 10 a QT

I had to get my own RODI set up. I’m almost an hour and a half to the closet saltwater fish store. Amazon has a reasonable 4 stage set up for about 60$. It was a must for me sense I live out in the boonies

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One thing I definitely recommend is getting a temperature controller for your heater and some sort of fan. I have my tank in my office and it can get over 80 during the day without a cooling fan. I just use an inkbird with an aquaeon 50w(fits in the hob) and a desk fan
One thing I definitely recommend is getting a temperature controller for your heater and some sort of fan. I have my tank in my office and it can get over 80 during the day without a cooling fan. I just use an inkbird with an aquaeon 50w(fits in the hob) and a desk fan

Currently trying to dial in the temp right now myself. Tank got up to 82 2 days ago. Dialed back the settings in the heater and it was at 80 today. Should be running around 78 right?

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It's the back of a business card I got from the ARC expo. I highly recommend becoming a supporting member. I've been one since May and it's paid for itself twice over already.


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I plan on being a supporting member. What are some of the benefits and how has it helped you?

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The discounts at the stores are great. Saved a ton on corals through the meetings and expo. I was at the last meeting and told a new guy to become a member and he did so on the spot, got in on the raffle, and won a $50 gift card.
What wonderful plans for your nano! You can have great success in small systems by just doing regular water changes. I have had many nano tanks with no skimmer, refuigiums or sumps and grow many kinds of coral in a mixed reef very well. With good color and great growth. I have also used this light on a 10 with great success keeping it at 80 blues and 40 whites. Cant wait to see what you do with it!
What wonderful plans for your nano! You can have great success in small systems by just doing regular water changes. I have had many nano tanks with no skimmer, refuigiums or sumps and grow many kinds of coral in a mixed reef very well. With good color and great growth. I have also used this light on a 10 with great success keeping it at 80 blues and 40 whites. Cant wait to see what you do with it!

With the light being touch activated for changing color, how to i know that it’s at 80 blues and 40 whites?

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Fast press(just tap) each button until either the whites or blues turn off. Your next press will make them 100% each press of the button decreases the power by 10%. It is kind of a pain in the butt but I turn it back off and count every button each time I accidentally bump it.
With the light being touch activated for changing color, how to i know that it’s at 80 blues and 40 whites?

Lightly touch each button until they are at off. Then the next touch brings the light to on. That is 100%. The brightest it can be. One more light touch dims it slightly. That is 90%. another light touch brings it to 80%. Each light touch dimming it in 10% intervals until it shuts off. So bring both the whites and blues to off by touching those buttons and as you touch them count backwards by 10 until you get it to where you want them. :) Hope that made sense.

I just gave away my ten gallon mixed reef with that light on it. It looked like this right before it left and was about two years old maybe?