New 29 bio cube build


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I just got my membership this Saturday at the meeting, so I'll have to catch you all up on my build.
Well my dad just got me my own 29 gallon coralife reef tank with matching black stand.
This will be my first fish tank that I have to take care of myself.
Equipment - maxi jet 1200 as my return, 5 watt uv sterilizer, koralia 425 power head, 100 watt cobalt heater.
Lights - LEDs and compact fluorescent combination.
Will update on livestock later, there is homework to be done.:yuk:
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rdnelson99;1052868 wrote: Looking good. Where is that colony you won on Sat???? ;-)

That is not going in my tank , I won't want to take the blame if it dies. I'll let dad do that.:up:
Sand - reef sand aragonite
Aquascape made with all live rock

Livestock - two mocha wide bar gladiator clowns, one fire fish, one royal gamma, one yellow clown goby, one engineering goby, two peppermint shrimp, and of course snails and hermit crabs

Corals - gsp, superman mushrooms, red people eater zoas, green long tentacle toadstool, Hollywood stunner, poker stars, green recordia, green long tentacle anemone, and some unknown mushrooms

For filtration I just have some matrix and purigen.
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New livestock update
I added some new corals I got for the frag swap.........
Frogspawn, Sunny Ds, Orange palm trees, Beladonna zoas, Green hydophoria, Red mushrooms, Purple hornets, and some King Midas gold.
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Just added a Orange striped prawn goby and a tiger pistol shrimp.
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