New 300G sump and fish room underway


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not much to look at right now.....but it will soon!

I need to install a new electrical subpanel for this baby..My main breaker panel is full.

Should be running in 2 weeks or so.


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Wow that is a big sump for a 90gall, looks kind of hard to clean?
I like the design Todd. Very space saving, but I agree, it could be hard to clean.
kzoo wrote: Wow that is a big sump for a 90gall, looks kind of hard to clean?

I meant to ask todd about the depth of the sump... some of the advantages, as far as I can tell, are increased stability do to increased overall volume and his return pump will have plenty of pressure on the intake... :)
300 gal sump on a 90 gal tank.. I am all about increased water volume but dang! Talk about being able to overstock your tank!!!
guess you have never seen pictures of Todd's Metor's tank....

100 gallon tank

500 gallon sump.

and stock full of coral
kzoo wrote: Wow that is a big sump for a 90gall, looks kind of hard to clean?

Clean? maybe once a's just a sump...I may throw in some live rock and start a fragging area in it.. I have a 175w MH I am going to hang over it for some light.

This baby will be self sufficent, Turn a few valves and do 100 gallon water changes in minutes!
jessezm wrote: Wow, beautiful sump, Todd! Based on Simon K.'s set up?

Of course, we here in Canton/Woodstock like to be in the forefront of aqautic designs :)
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: 300 gal sump on a 90 gal tank.. I am all about increased water volume but dang! Talk about being able to overstock your tank!!!

Dillution is the solution
kjessop wrote: I like the design Todd. Very space saving, but I agree, it could be hard to clean.

I actually think it could be pretty simple to clean, not much bottom space for anything to settle, and maybe once a year or so go in with a mop for the sides finish with a wet vac and 20 mins, its as good as new
washowi wrote: Dillution is the solution

Ummm, I would say so... You can pee in a 90gal with a 300gal sump and I do not think you would have pollution! ;)
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Ummm, I would say so... You can pee in a 90gal with a 300gal sump and I do not think you would have pollution! ;)

Is this really everyone's secret desire? :eek:
Very Impressive,i seen the sump at Brett's when i bought his tank.Very large indeed.Hoping to buy me one very similar soon.