New and Cycling 29G tank...


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Any suggestions on what you would stock it with (obviously, when the time is right)? I am looking for color and movement (non-hiders). I am not getting into corals at the moment, but may eventually on my larger tank when I switch that from freshwater to saltwater.
I love having chromis as dither fish. Prettier fish feel safe when the stupid ones are swimming about! Though it seems you are talking only about freshwater then there are FW dither fish as well. What exactally is your setup here?
29 Gallon SW tank, 30 pounds of live rock, live sand...still cycling.

I have a 75G FW tank that will eventually be converted to SW...just can't do that right now as there are still fish in there.
Gotcha, I wasn't sure if you meant the 29 was FW right now or not. Like I said, a few small dither fish don't add much to bio load and encourage other fish to come out from the caves. I actually really enjoy my Chromis, and there are some fancy ones. Soft corals will add movement to the tank with enough flow.
I can put soft corals in without it being a reef tank? I was planning on fish only with no corals. Yeah, I know, that sounds like an idiotic question. :wow2:
Well that would make it a reef tank, which I forgot you were trying to avoid at first... but softies have the lowest requirements. You could also consider non-photosynthetic coral, such as sun coral. It's really pretty, needs no light, but does require manual targeted feeding. You can do just about anything you want and your walet can afford. Used equiptment is a great way to get started.