New Apex Question


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I got a new Apex for Xmas. The problem is I have no access to the router from the tank. The router is on the other side of the room. The instructions are pretty "techy" for me. 2 questions

Will a normal usb-usb cable work for plugging into the back of the router for the initial updates.

The big one is what do I need to hook this thing up to my router from across the room.

Im a little lost here.:eek:
Don't use a usb cable. You need to use a either net cat 5 cable. You can set up a wireless point to your router if you don't wnat to run a cable. I I've mine on a airport express on the other side of the room. But it's best to run a wire for the updates
Nicoli627;1004229 wrote: Don't use a usb cable. You need to use a either net cat 5 cable

Im going to need to get a usb-ethernet adapter. just found one at apple store. Ill look for one in town tomorrow
Nicoli627;1004229 wrote: Don't use a usb cable. You need to use a either net cat 5 cable. You can set up a wireless point to your router if you don't wnat to run a cable. I I've mine on a airport express on the other side of the room. But it's best to run a wire for the updates

unfortunately running a wire across the room isn't an option and I live on slab. I read something about a net gear gaming thing that will give me router access
Just get a Netgear wifi extender that has a cat5/lan hookup. Plugs into a normal outlet and then you use cat5 from that to your Apex. I have one in the basement room which doesn't even really get a wifi signal normally and it works perfectly. Considered wired still so can do all the updates as a normal wired connection.
Yes you can use a net gear wireless to create a access point then you run the cat 5 cable from the access point to the apex.
tonymission;1004232 wrote: Just get a Netgear wifi extender that has a cat5/lan hookup. Plugs into a normal outlet and then you use cat5 from that to your Apex. I have one in the basement room which doesn't even really get a wifi signal normally and it works perfectly. Considered wired still so can do all the updates as a normal wired connection.

So if I understand this correctly. This will just plug into the wall a/c and I hook my apex cable to iit over by the tank. It will then in turn connect wirelessly to my net gear router???
Mikesmith34;1004247 wrote: I hope it's that simple hehehe

It is. Just to clarify though you would setup the wifi on the extender first and then physically connect that to the apex. I tried the $20 t-link ones (twice) and it would stay connected for a couple weeks and then stop. Setup was a pain too. Get the $50ish Netgear one the first time around and make it easy on yourself!
One quick note. NEVER plug any USB cable into your Apex that is connected to anything other than another Apex device. You can use standard USB cables between Apex devices all you want but you're asking for a warranty call if you plug that USB cable in anything else.
Thanx guys for the help! Ill keep ya posted. The wife really surprised me with this one!!!
Mikesmith34;1004282 wrote: Thanx guys for the help! Ill keep ya posted. The wife really surprised me with this one!!!

That's a really nice surprise! I absolutely love my Apex and keep telling people I doubt I'd still be in the hobby without it.
WHY at this price point cant they make the thing wireless like a gaming system. I don't understand that. Seems Like a PIA, Everything else in the world is wireless??
RedStang;1004285 wrote: That's a really nice surprise! I absolutely love my Apex and keep telling people I doubt I'd still be in the hobby without it.

Now it gives me the excuse to replace things that are not APEX compatible:shades:
Mikesmith34;1004286 wrote: WHY at this price point cant they make the thing wireless like a gaming system. I don't understand that. Seems Like a PIA, Everything else in the world is wireless??

Can't argue with that at all but they do seem to have issues with updating over wireless so until they sort that out I don't see it changing. FWIW, I've found the netgear gaming adapters to be a PIA. Good bit more money but an Apple Airport Express is a great solution too. Can easily be put into bridge mode. Every one I've had has been very reliable but I am an Apple guy too. I had one for sale but it's currently in a try before buy status.

Just remember that when it comes time to update the firmware, run a physical cable or bring your base unit over to the router.
I had 0 issues with the Netgear gaming adaptor using the link buttons on both my router and the gaming adaptor.
RedStang;1004291 wrote: Can't argue with that at all but they do seem to have issues with updating over wireless so until they sort that out I don't see it changing. FWIW, I've found the netgear gaming adapters to be a PIA. Good bit more money but an Apple Airport Express is a great solution too. Can easily be put into bridge mode. Every one I've had has been very reliable but I am an Apple guy too. I had one for sale but it's currently in a try before buy status.

Just remember that when it comes time to update the firmware, run a physical cable or bring your base unit over to the router.

Well Ill just have to see what they have available out there today. May wind up with the gamer we will see. Im a huge Apple fan myself. Everything I own is apple. I don't think I will be able to find one here without ordering so we will see. Walmart here I come:shout:
Mikesmith34;1004297 wrote: Well Ill just have to see what they have available out there today. May wind up with the gamer we will see. Im a huge Apple fan myself. Everything I own is apple. I don't think I will be able to find one here without ordering so we will see. Walmart here I come:shout:

Walmart might actually have the Airport Express. I'm an Apple guy too. It's just very easy to use stuff within their ecosystem.