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The gaming adapters seem to be one of the more popular options because they are cheap. I've had mine running for a year and had a few issues. I pushed a firmware update a few weeks ago and seems to be doing a lot better. I also picked up an Apple Airport Express from Jason. I'll switch over when I have a minute to set it up then use the netgear as backup or on another tank if I set one up.
Well I bought the mid range net gear wifi extender and everything worked out perfect. The WPS setup was a snap and it works like a charm. My router was one on the higher end netgear routers less than a year old so compat ability was a snap. Now learning the code is a whole new thing. Kinda confusing to say the least. But I'm working on it
Mikesmith34;1004988 wrote: Well I bought the mid range net gear wifi extender and everything worked out perfect. The WPS setup was a snap and it works like a charm. My router was one on the higher end netgear routers less than a year old so compat ability was a snap. Now learning the code is a whole new thing. Kinda confusing to say the least. But I'm working on it

Glad that worked!
I would start on the neptune systems forum and do searches for specific things you're trying to do. Then just steal and tweak the code someone posted. :) Won't take long to "get it".