New - Clowny fish sick


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I am new here and new to the hobby. I went to MACNA this weekend and I am totally hooked on the hobby.

I have a 14 gallon Oceanic biocube. I let the tank cycle for about 1.5 months. I tested everything including the salinity before putting fish in the tank last Wednesday, everything was perfect. Today I came home from work and one of the two clowny's are sick. I bought two by the advice of my local fish store, the one is very colorful and the other one is frail looking. Right now I have him in a net in the tank with the lights off. I fed the other guys, they ate fine, this little guy will not.

I picked up the Kent Marine C from the show, should I give that a shot? Please help, I have book knowledge from reading a lot, however no practical knowledge treating this little guy.

Any good advice would be very much appreciated!!!

how long do you have him on this tank??? how are your param.??? clown's are really hard fish, just give him sometime he will be ok.
He has been in the tank since last Wednesday. He has been eating until today. I used the test strips that I have and everything comes back ideal. Do you think that I should put some of the Marine C in the tank?

I appreciate your quick response!
nahh, I don't like the strips, take same of your water to a LFS and test it. but I don't think the water have anything to do with it, otherwise the other fish wold be sick too.
maybe is just some stress. let me know if I can help.
You can overdose very easily in such a small tank, even Marine C. I might do a couple gallon water change - reduce pollution thru dilution.

Thank you so much for your response. I am going to do a water change tomorrow. I need to put the thermostat in the water when I get home so I can warm it up before doing the change. I know that there is little room for error on a smaller tank, however I wanted to make sure that I enjoyed the hobby and had the time for the hobby before I decided to dive into something less practical for my lifestyle.

Unfortunately the fish died. I was really hoping I could save the little guy.

Again, thank you for your advise.


Thank you for your welcome. I am really going to enjoy this hobby! The conference was amazing because I had an opportunity to absorb all of the information that each of the vendors and several very nice attendee's were able to provide. I bought two books from Julian and hope to have some time to read them. I work full time and go to school full time for my Masters, so I hope that I can read a little bit each night. I've also read two other very basic books that were recommended by two different LFS.

When I bought the fish they both looks faint orange, meaning that they were not deep in color. However, once the acclimated to my tank one became the true Clown orange and the other remained very faint. When I came home today the fainter of the two had a large white spot on its belly and fin. I realize that these guys have white on them, however this white spot had not been there before. If it were ick I believe that there would be numerous spots, there were not. Observing my other clown fish the one that was a beautiful orange, he was okay.

When I stocked the tank I only bought 3 fish, two clowns and a double spotted gobbie. I have had the clean up crew in the tank for about 4 weeks now.

The rock that I purchased was cured. I allowed the live rock to stay in the tank completely solo for about 3 weeks, this allowed it to build the environment and allowed some algae to grow.

I cannot express how much I appreciate your help and advise.

dawgdude;215393 wrote: Sounds to me like it might be an infection. I would agree in buying a test kit since this is an essential part to keeping the tank params correct. I would look at picking up some Garlic guard and soaking the food in it.

What food are you feeding? I feed the two clowns and gobbie a very slight pinch of Ocean Nutritions formula one small pellets.
How much are you feeding? A very small pinch once a day.
What else is in the tank?
Clean up crew and double spotted gobbie.
Oops dawg, I didn't respond to your post correctly. I added my responses to the quote. Big Ole id10t error on my part. Sorry about that.

Yes, you did meet me and my roomy at the conference at the registration desk. We had a blast, as you probably noticed we like to have fun.

I appreciate all of your help and advice. I am going to stop by the store that I bought the fish from. I did a 2 gallon water change last night, it seems that things may have gotten better.

I am going to take a water sample to one of the stores that I go to in order to have it checked. What type of test kit do you recommend for salt water?

This forum rocks, I appreciate all that everyone has suggested.

Best Regards,