New Controller - Biomatix


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This thing looks very cool."></a>



Anyone interested in a slightly used RKII with all the fixens when this comes out?
Looks pretty sweet, but wasn't RK2 supposed to release computer software similar to that? I read that they were but never heard anything else about it.
The RK2 is a nice unit, but has some limitations many of which this unit addresses. For $350 the RK2 is a good deal, but personally I would like something with a little more sizzle and a lot more functionality. That said to date I haven't seen one yet that I think is the end-all including this one.
It is expensive by RK2 and AcJr standards at a suggested $800 for controller, power switch, temp and salinity probes. However competitive when you compare it to the ACIII, Aquatronica and other more powerful controllers on the market.
Nice controller! It would definitely be an upgrade to my Aquadyne Octopus 3000. We'll see what the cost is once it is released!
Cameron wrote: The RK2 is a nice unit, but has some limitations many of which this unit addresses. For $350 the RK2 is a good deal, but personally I would like something with a little more sizzle and a lot more functionality. That said to date I haven't seen one yet that I think is the end-all including this one.

I agree. I've tried several controllers (including the pro-versions of the Neptune controllers), and nothing has really done what I've wanted. This looks promising, depending on expandability.

I wonder if they'd send us a demo unit for the club to preview...
They might send in a demo unit. The one guy got a preview version to play with.

The items that look promising to me are up the obvious gorgeous interface, extra probe port, ability to support up to 24 plugs, FTP upgrade and a very nice looking PC controller interface.

Course if they ever release a USB controlled power switch, I would probably roll my own from a laptop. I found the probe place which would allow someone to build an uber monitoring station at"></a>

I can certainly see Conductivity or Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Calcium, Chloride, Ammonia, Nitrate, ORP, ph, and temp being plugged in.

You could even do some crazy stuff like using the Digital Control Unit to control fans or build an autofeeder. A spectrometer for checking lighting, microstirer for all kinds of gentle mixing and I am sure there are a few dozen other things to do with this setup.
Cameron- it sounds like you've gone through all the same thought processes and websites I've been to. I worked on my own controller for a while as well (and added too many features from the beginning), but with so much else going on, I never got past pH and temp on a embedded website / ftp.

I'd be interested in seeing if we can get a demo unit (even if beta) so we could touch / feel / play with it. I'm all for the expandability with custom electronics and/or code - if it could do that, I'd be looking at buying one soon.
I knew I didn't have the time to build a full out controller, but I thought if I could find a USB shortcut I might be able to throw one together. I ran across Vernier which has some incredible expandability for a reasonable price ($220 for the interface and $100 bucks or so per probe). The only problem I have run into is you have to go X10 or use an expensive rack mount controllable powersupply. I found some serial units, but they started at around $150 for 6 connectors. There is a USB power controller coming out (supposedly) for $50 which would probably get me off my rear to do this though.

Course, once you figure in the costs for laptop, power controller, data logger, probes and time to code it all $800 starts looking real cheap.

I would switch quickly if the unit has some good expanability. I am constantly suprised by how backward the technology in aquariums is. If I had the time, I would sit down and figure this crap out. I know there is money to be made on a system that can do this and run off of a Palm type OS.
Cameron,Allowing the controller to interface with both Palm OS and Windows OS platforms would be great functionality. This looks like a really great controller even though it is a bit expensive. :)
By comparison it is cheaper than most. Only the ACIII is probably a bit cheaper, but ones like aquatronica and such quickly hit 1k+. Taking out the limited RK2 and AcJr from the running.
I love my AC Jr and it would really be tough for me to do another reef tank without a computer/controller on it. They just make it so much easier. :) The only thing that my AC Jr doesnt do is ORP and of course connect to the internet. It does everything else that I can think of except monitor Ca, Alk, and Salinity but I don't know anything that could in this $250-$300 price range. Nowadays you can buy the Ozone generator that has the ORP controller and monitor built in so you really dont need it on the reef computer.
The big deal for me with AcJr is limited power connections, lack of expandability and it just doesn't look cool. RK2 is nice and easy to use but lacks the programming power and has many of the limitations of the AcJr.

Short of an open ended system like a USB/PC setup they all have some limitations. I am still hoping in the next couple months a USB power switch does come out. That alone would be enough to switch me onto my own system.
Hmm- I just did a quick sum of the following parts from Vernier:

LabPro Interface
Dissolved O2

And it was just under $700. Drop the dissolved O2, and it's $500.

There's still the issue of controlling A/C power - some kind of direct interface (instead of X10) would be ideal, but I'm not sure what would work best.

Of course, the programming on top of that. But that part is free (for some of us, anyway :)).
I mentioned earlier there is supposed to be a controllable power strip coming out soon. It is an 8 port that allows any port to be switched on or off. It plugs into a USB port. Supposed to retail for around $50. You can also use this:
a> but it only allows the user to control pairs not individual ports.
I don't have a controller yet, so I've been watching Biomatix and others. Here's a couple of interesting links...

The Biomatix release has been pushed to early April for 'professional installers' and late April for the 'general public'."></a>

There are comments in a thread on RC in the Neptune forum that current AC3/AC3Pro/ACJr owners will soon be able to control Tunze Streams and Vortechs. I guess some type of new expansion hardware, but I'm not smart enough to figure it out. [IMG]"></a>

You've probably seen this table summary of the current controllers available. [IMG]"></a>
I am still holding out for a better mouse trap. Biomatix looked like it, but I don't think I am going to be happy until I build my own. Good news is I already have a pretty good start... just have to get that USB controlled powerswitch.
Cameron;30803 wrote: I don't think I am going to be happy until I build my own. Good news is I already have a pretty good start... just have to get that USB controlled powerswitch.

That's awesome Cam!!!