New Fish suggestion


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I currently have a well established  75 gallon reef tank.  I have about 6 passive fish (gobies, clowns, cardnials. ect).  My wife wants me to get another fish or two that actually swims in the open more often than the ones we currently have.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a fish that:

-eats meat

-reef friendly

-won't bother my crabs or snails

-swims in the open

-can be kept in a 75

-easy to moderate to keep

-will get along with my other fish

Any suggestions are welcome
Anthias are nice in addition to swimming a lot but my past dealings with them has not been all that successful.  I've found that if I didn't feed them alot everyday, they would become frail and die.  This excess bioload causes a variety of unwanted problems in my tank.  I generally feed my fish a little everyday or sometimes every other day.
Although my wife loves chromis, I consider them a no go.  If you start with 100 of them, you'll eventually have only one remaining because they constantly pick on the weakest one. The only exception to this (from what I heard) is the sunshine chromis.  I may try that one.

As for the wrasse, I thought they ate crabs and shrimp?  I may have to research this a little bit more.
