New here, Opinions on Deep Blue Professional


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Well im new to this forum and was just lurking, but not new to the aquarium game, ive got a nano reef as well as a fw monster tank........... Anyway im planning on selling all of my 3 setups now the FW, Monster, and SW Nano reef, to just focus on one build

MY lfs has a Deep Blue Proffesional 30 gal edge frag tank reef ready and an 80 gallon frag reef ready tank, im leaning towards the 80 gallon so i can have a better stock of fish along with coral, BUT ive just read some bad reviews on the Deep Blue tanks

Can anyone here give me positive and negative reviews before i invest in this tank just to have it crack and leak then crash to the first floor

You can find bad reviews about just about anything. I've sold a number of DB tanks and not had any issues. Their frag tanks are quite popular.

If a tank cracks, or leaks, it's usually because it's not on a straight, level surface. A twisted stand puts stress on seams and causes failure.

Happen to have either the 30 or 80 gallon in stock with stands, and the reef ready packages with plumbing and all? and is their anything else besides that you offer on top besides the stand and plumbing like lighting or sump bundle?
batch number? where, what numbers am i looking for? im used to buying tanks used this will be my first new one ha
Yes, i know the 30 gallon edge frag tank can be drilled, but not the 80, but yes some you can drill
Are we talking about the whole like inspected stamp with a name thats usually on the bottom of the tanks? or the actual sticker on the tank....... i didnt look for stamps because i was unaware of this problem......and the only pic i have of anything on the glass but price is this

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so im looking for a stamp with a date and name or inspected by?
They make a reef ready frag tank. I don't think u want to buy a non rr than go and have it drilled