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Hi everyone. My name is Tamara. I recently became interested in setting up a saltwater tank after a visit to Saltwater City. (And then Pets Unlimited and Marine & Tropical Fish...) So far I've read three books and lots of web articles. Then lots of searching for equipment. That's been the hardest.

I am thinking of going with a 72 gallon bow-front aquarium (used). Bigger than 72 gallons would be too much, but I don't want my first tank to fail because of its size. Is there a better size for starting out?

Since I'm new to this, I'd like to start FOWLR and then add corals (low to medium light only) after the tank is fully established. Is it a good idea to start with the tank being drilled? It looks like adding a sump/refuge is a good idea regardless. Just seems like it'd be easier to set everything up at first than have to take everything out to work on it later.

If anyone has recommendations for equipment, that'd be super. There's so many options. For example, what'd be good lighting for a FOWLR to the kind of corals I want later on? Can the tank be covered with the lights over it? I've been looking at dr. foster's equipment and anywhere else that has reviews, but daaang it's hard to choose!
Pre-drilled yes. Sump yes. T-5 lighting IMO is the best and only way to go for softies and other low-light corals. If you can find a good deal on a used tank of that size that would be the way to go. Most importantly take it slow and do what you want. Build your tank the way you want it. You will find may opinions and often times it's very confusing and seemingly contradicting. I have found it best to seek out advice and make my own educated guess. You have done the right thing by coming here. There are lots of good people here willing to help. Our sponsors are also a plethora of good information. Join the club and take advantage of the membership benefits. If there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask.

WC. +1 to what LeeS said. Take it slow. Ask a lot of questions. If you join the club (ARC), the membership will pay for itself in discounts on product you will need to purchase anyway. See our sponser list. ARC is filled with many knowledegable individuals who can help you and guide you along the way. Good luck.
Welcome :)

+1 to a reef-ready (pre-drilled) tank. I think Schwimmair has one for sale on here right now...

I'm not a big fan of bowfronts though, not enough "real estate" on the narrow ends. 75 would be preferable in that size range - but that's just my opinion - you get a full 48x18 footprint.

Whatever you go with though, I recommend a factory overflow built into the tank (reef-ready) and not a hang-on overflow box. "Overflow" is usually the operative word with those. Sooner or later they will fail, and you'll have a mess to clean up.

Welcome to the group - lots of good folks and good info to be had here.

I think 72 - 90 gallons is a good starting point.

Looking back at my experiences I think 90 would have been the way to go.

Our first tank was 33 which was too small, followed by a 125, followed by a 90.

Of the 3 the 90 was the best setup.

Any way you go continue to read, take your time as nothing good comes fast and stay tuned to the ARC and ask a million questions.

JennM;341848 wrote: Welcome :)

+1 to a reef-ready (pre-drilled) tank. I think Schwimmair has one for sale on here right now...

I'm not a big fan of bowfronts though, not enough "real estate" on the narrow ends. 75 would be preferable in that size range - but that's just my opinion - you get a full 48x18 footprint.

Oh, I feel the exact opposite - you get MORE real estate in the bowfront. That bow makes it REALLY easy to aquascape and leave swimming room for the fish. I wouldn't have a tank that's not bowfront again.
Welcome - and as you can see everyone will have their own opinion - and they WILL contradict. Just take it slow - ask LOTS of questions - and make sure that in the end you have what YOU want. I started with a 24 gal nano that my husband took care of for me while I learned. Then moved up to a 300 gal for myself - I love it but can understand not wanting such a large tank. And I miss the ability to have some of the samller critters that I had in the nano.
Thanks for the kind welcoming!

There's a few bow-fronts available at relatively decent prices. One I'm looking at isn't drilled -- is it terribly hard to drill a tank? I like the idea of a bow-front because it's different and it's nice looking.

So, for my benefit and to answer Barbara about my plans... Right now I know I'll start with the rock and sand, then add a CUC of turbo snails and peppermint shrimp, and lastly move on to some fish. I'll probably start with some fish that are hardy and less expensive until I get the hang of not killing them!
I know somebody that's trying to sell his 72-bow (reef ready)... divorcing, etc.

And yes - it's only my opinion about bowfronts - we maintain probably 6 of them or so. I do agree that they are attractive - my opinion is based on the practical applications of one - but it is just that - *opinion* and I completely respect that others disagree :)

I think most of us will agree though that getting one that's reef ready is much easier/better than drilling one after the fact. You can only drill the back or side as the bottom is tempered, and you'll need more clearance behind it because of that.

I own 2 salt tanks..a bow front and a flat glasss (old style) hex type front. Between both of them, I much prefer the flat glass. For maintainance issues, it is so much easier to clean and maintain. That is just my opinion.
Here's some of the equipment I'm considering:

Protein skimmer:
ASM G-1 or G-2

Mag 9 drive pump (is this overkill?)

Rena air pump X 2
Hydor Koralia circulation pumps

48in PCI 4 bulbs T5 system with LEDs

DIY, I think... 20 gallon.
All looks good though you ae correct about the mag 9 as overkill. I would go with a mag 5 as it puts off far less heat than the mag 9 among other reasons.

air pumps?
Welcome Tamara! Like you, I am new to the hobby, and I am in the process of building my first reef tank setup.

I am doing a ton of research on the equipment and I am still in the process of learning about/ deciding which corals to construct the tank around. The advice that I have received on this board has been invaluable, and I have learned a ton from the ARC members.

I would also suggest joining the ARC... many shops around town offer a nice discount for our members, and being that you (and I) will be buying a lot of equipment/ live stock the cost of membership would pay for itself right away.

Good luck with everything, I will post some pictures when I get my tank up and running!

I don't think the 9.5 is overkill. At 4' of head and with a 90-degree angle with the return it will probably turn your water 8-10 times which is good.

I'd skip the air pump - not necessary and makes a salt creep mess.

I've been doing this (on and off) for along time and we, my wife (tokejr) and I, have a 72 gal reef ready bow front. (Also have a 30 long and 20 and soon probably a 90 or larger with a bow front or curved front glass). This has been my favorite tank. Easy to maintain, and aquascape. There is enough room for fish and corals but not to large to be intimidating. As far as the pump, I had a mag5 and just upgraded to a mag7. Corals much happier, I also use 3 power heads in the tank. I tried a mag 9 and it pushed more water than the return could delever I fiverted the excess with a T and valve back to the start of the sump. To much IMO for the 72.

Welcome to ARC and the hobby. It's a lot to learn but if you enjoy this kind of thing it is very relaxing and fun. All the members here are glad to help and answer questions. Most of us are in it for the long hall.
Oh, by the way, a 20 gal long fits great in the stand I have. Built my own sump/refuge. A few pieces of glass (cut by Lowes to size) and a tube of silicon and you're ready to go. I had to take out the center brace in the stand to get the tank/sump in the glue it back in. No biggie. Good luck and make sure when designing your sumo you leave enough room for your skimmer if you want the skimmer in the sump. I already filled my tank before I put in the sump so I couldn't move the stand. It will probably fit in through the back.
Thanks again for the warm welcome and advice!

I think I'll skip the Mag 9, but may go with the Mag 5 and some powerheads. I'll skip the air pumps (I think I thought airpumps and powerheads = same, oops). I'll have to research whatever a phosban reactor and ATO are. Ok, which I just looked up and the ATO sounds like a good idea.

As far as critters, I want to keep peaceful, smaller fish (ones under 5"), CUC, and maybe some hardier corals once I get the hang of fish.

Looks like I've got a tank! My family was a little gung-ho and found a 72 gallon bow-front, stand, and two smaller tanks. I think the smaller tanks will become the sump/refugium. This tank is also not drilled, so I'll have to investigate how to drill it and create an overflow box.
Sounds like your on your way! Loren (Seedless reefer) does drilling and recently did atreyu917's. Send him a pm if your interested in having someone who knows his stuff very well do it for you. BTW...the club meeting is tomorrow night if you can make it there. Great place to meet the folks and learn things. You don't have to be a member to attend.
Coolsurf, thanks for the info about Loren! I'll have to see about getting to that meeting, I

We just got back from picking up the tank. Tanks. The guy used his setup for freshwater. It includes the big 72 gallon, its stand & lid, a 20 gallon, 10 gallon, a canister filter, three heaters, a couple air pumps, power filters, lots of tubing, a siphon hose, a UV sterilizer?, and some LED lights. Lots of decorative stuff I probably won't use like a sunken pirate ship. Lol. Despite the extra stuff, not a bad lot. It was a tight squeeze in my Sonata. :D
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