New LFS in Chattanooga! Check thread!


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Hey guys, we wanted to invite our Atlanta buddies to follow along our new store build thread. We would love to hear youre comments or suggestions! Check it out and feel free to post in the build thread. Hope to see you guys soon :) <~~~steve

p.s- that title was supposed to say check out our build thread, not ched thread......:) i guess i ran out of characters!
turboex901;52200 wrote: .....:) i guess i ran out of characters!

s'ok... plenty of characters at ARC. Just pick one.

Your place looks GREAT. We're going to take a drive up to Chattanooga as soon as you're up 'n running.

Keep us posted! I want a clam!!!

I will go as well. I go through there every couple months and would love to stop by and see what kind of deals you have.
Absolutely, I am in a roundabout sort of way, close to Chatt, so I will be very interested. Let me know when you open.
Its about time you guys got some tanks in there. A while back Jermpool(from CRC) and myself stopped by there and there wasn't a tank in the place that we could see from the front.
yea jeremy was in the shop yesterday heping me clean becketts! :) we'll be sure to keep everyone posted on opening. were shooting for 30 days, but have alot to do. we'll be in youre neck of the woods thursday. we have to pick up about 20 MRC's :)<~~steve
This place is going to be great guys. I was up there today and everything is really coming together nicely. I can't wait to see it finished. I love the fact that I won't have to drive so far to get to a high quality marine store.

Oh yeah Donny did you ever find out the price on that Actinic Bulb for me?
guys, theres a few new updates in the thread. give it a look! hope to see you all soon!<~~steve
hey guys, ill post pictures here so we dont have to keep chasing links. this will be a progression from the begining until current. we should be open for the frag swap and hope to have an "afterparty" after the swap. hope to see you all soon!<~~~steve
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the coral tanks, 5- 4'x4'x14" lookdown tanks :)
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Local native MRC is our weapon of choice for skimmers and sumps. theyre almost too pretty to be sumps! thanks andy :)
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the display tank is up and running!
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first fish system filling up!
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heres the sump for the 2 middle rows of the fish system. a 48"x48"x30" 280 gallon sump with 50 gallon refugium. we want to have healthy fish with rock solid stability. the 3 rows of tanks combined are nearly 1200 gallons with sumps :)
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3 sequence hammerheads for returns. a total of 17400 gallons.
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stay tuned for nearly daily updates and throw us any suggestions you might have! talk to you all soon!<~~~steve
They are just about 20-30 miles from Dalton depending on where you are in Dalton. Its just off exit 1 in TN. If you want to run up there some time send me a PM and I'll go with you. I think they are trying to open up the same day that the Chattanooga Reef Club Frag swap is. This is what I heard maybe its just a rumor.
Frewl;60871 wrote: They are just about 20-30 miles from Dalton depending on where you are in Dalton. Its just off exit 1 in TN. If you want to run up there some time send me a PM and I'll go with you. I think they are trying to open up the same day that the Chattanooga Reef Club Frag swap is. This is what I heard maybe its just a rumor.

thats no rumor, the 13 hour days and my aching back can assure you of that :) <~~steve
You haven't seen the thread on it? I'm going to have to bump that thread today. Its the 11th of August. It should be a fun event. I live off of 328 so I'm always close to Chatt-town. I'm just happy to have a great store openning close to home. Gas to Atlanta is getting to cost more and more each day. Now I just need more money to spend there.
Will you be open on Sundays? I think we'll spend the weekend up there for the frag swap and hopefully go to the aquarium.
loren, im not quite sure what donny and brett have in mind for working sundays. ill ask tommorow and get back to you.:)<~~~steve