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Hello. My LFS told me to check out this site. Glad I did. Nice group of folks here. I attached a pic of my 28g JBJ Nano. Currently battling a GHA problem (it's been almost a year and still can't get rid of it). Besides the GHA, there are a couple maroon clowns, couple firefish, six line wr***e, and a gramma (who gets bullied by the wrasse). There are Pavonas, a finger leather, Duncan (w/5 small heads popping out underneath yah!), zoas, palys, an orange montipora, abundance of GSP, Xenia's, shrooms and a brain coral. After getting the tank over a year ago, the heater was accidentally turned up in the move. This nuked 90% of the livestock (this tank was 3 years old with plenty of beautiful corals and fish). Started over and GHA came with it. Enjoy. Thanks for looking.
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That's a nice looking tank.

The hair algae must have a nutrient source - have you checked your Nitrates and Phosphates? It's either that or the lighting. Both should be a fairly easy fix once we figure it out.

Welcome to the ARC :)
Thank you for the welcome.

I checked the levels and all are good except for the Phosphates. It's at .03. From my understanding that is enough juice for GHA to thrive. Actually only half the lights are working right now. New lights are here and will be fixed tonight. But I don't know what the phosphates source could be. I've tried just about everything (frequent water changes, phosphate remover liquid drops, phosguard, turbo snails working overtime, emerald crabs don't do much but hang on the pavona) to remove phosphates but no luck. The Fish Store recommended turning my lights out for a few days. Have yet to do that.
Welcome. .03 is pretty low for phosphates, but you aren't getting an accurate reading because the algae is sucking up the phosphates from the water. In reality that number is probably a bit higher. New lights, and the lights out method are definitely viable options, but the are just a band aid for the underlying problem.
Thank you. Yes, they are band aids. That crap keeps coming back. it's so annoying and makes me mad thinking about it. Luckily my turbo snails are eating it like there's no tomorrow. I might have to invest in more snails and put new sand in my tank because it's all over the sand too and the snails seem to not care much for eating the GHA from the sand.
Thank you everyone for the welcome. Yes, my wr***e is a total A-hole. Although, I would love to add 1 more fish, I know he'll be a jerk. Or she could be a jerk. Naturally want to refer to a jerk as a male. Sorry.

Tonight the hubby and I will start the blackout in the tank for 3 days to see what will happen to the GHA. I'll let you know how it goes. Crossing my fingers.
Welcome Nancy and good luck with the gha.
Nice looking nano, I bet it was a stunner before the temp. Issue.
Thank you Marlon. Yes, it was a stunner before the temp issue. lol. I cried for the all the death. My house smelled like a seafood warf for days. No amount of candle burning and Febreeze could mask that smell. Needless to say, I did not have sushi for a while. Ha.
When you do the blackout, make sure you cover the tank as well. Even something as simple as taping paper to the glass would help. It doesn't take very much ambient room light for the GHA to continue growing.
I covered the glass with a paper bag. I cut the bag to fit the glass and taped it on. Sucks not being able to see anything. I feel bad for the fish and coral. Luckily my 3 year old and 2 year old are not messing with it like I thought they would. My 1 year old looks at the tank like, "where are my fish?" Hopefully this works.
Thank you PicoReefGuy.
If you can just replace the rock... That's your best bet, or a fish that eats it

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All my rock have coral attached to it. Otherwise I would replace the rocks. I tried looking for fish that would eat it but my tank is to small. I bought a lawnmower blenny a month ago and he literally disappeared. I can't find him.
Thanks ghbrewer &#128513;