New Member Tank Pic

Today was the last day of the 3 day black out. All GHA still there. It is easier to pull off the rocks. Will be doing some rock scrubbing and water changing.
In conclusion, GHA still there just easier to remove. All corals and fish were upset and hungry. A couple of snails were upside down but thankfully are still alive. No fatalities.
If you don;t mind my asking, what do you have in there for a clean-up crew? My nano went through a near-meltdown with something that started out like hair algae and turned into something-that-could-been-dinoflagelates. Took forever to figure out what was going wrong, and then disturbingly easy to fix once the math was done.

Nowadays a good half the biomass in my tank is something that likes some form of algae. Thing looks like I'm running ULNS. ;)

Although pricey as snails go and sometimes a pain in the @ss to acclimate (only time they;ve done well is via drip acclimation for 3 hours! in a heated vessel) have you considered stocking a few banded trochus snails? Last time I was there Creation Reef had some. They're nimble and one of the few non-turbo snails that can eat hair algae down to the holdfast.
Hi Jeremy (That's my hubby's name. Great name.),
We have 4 turbo snails and as of this evening, two look like they're going downhill. 4 emeralds that do absolutely nothing. My turbos are awesome but I feel like I need more snails because when they are done with one rock it seems like the GHA grows back rather quickly. Yes, those turbos are pricey. I've never heard of trochus snails. Do you have those? I was going to make a trip to the Fish Store tomorrow. I'll see if they have any of those. Creation is closed on Sundays :(
I do. Three of them plus a few cerith snails & a buncha dwarf hermits keep things in check.

I've seen them at Fish Store, Creation & Petland Perimeter of all places.
I got one of these cowrie snails at Nemos....omg! The best cleaner. I actually had to bring him back after 2 weeks because he was starving. Cleaned everything so well. Not a spec of anything left. They're only like $14 at nemos. Well worth it!!
Ew,,, you're in Canton so Nemos might be a drive. There right off 85 in gwinnett. I think it's indian trail exit. I had a bunch of hair algea starting to pop up, so I got the cowrie a turbo and added another 3 hermits. I already had about 15 other snails and hermits and an emerald, but they weren't doing a dang thing, but now it's perfect in there. Make sure you're not over feeding too!
Lol. Yeah Gwinnett is a bit far. Today I went to Premier Aquatics today and picked up a couple turbos and red hermits. They were on sale. I put them in my tank and they are kicking butt. I'll see in the morning what corals the turbos manage to knock over. I'm concerned about what to do with the turbos if they have nothing left to eat.
You had 4 snails in your 30?? I would stock that way up.

In my 120 I have about 100 snails and I'm about to add another 35 or so. Most of them are dwarf cerith with some nassarius and nerites.
OMG! That's a lot of snails Crawford. Now I know if I ever get a bigger tank I will have to be prepared to fork out big bucks in a clean up crew. I stocked up yesterday. I now have 4 turbos, 2 mex turbos, 6 red hermits. Although I think I should've picked up more hermit's.

I had noticed my brain coral was really not happy after the blackout. This morning I noticed it is starting to bleach :(
It really isn't that many. Cerith snails are much smaller than turbos. Each snail is roughly the size of a pencil eraser.

I've read that sea hares, lettuce nudibranches and royal urchins absolutely annihilate GHA - maybe try one of those?
maybe add an airstone to help oxygenate tank as algae depletes it. just added one to my tank for same thing..all the inhabitants appreciate it :)