New Paid Member


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Hello All!!! I am a new paid member and wanted to introduce myself. I am excited about joining the ARC. The information that I have gained here has already been invaluable. I can't wait to attend the next meeting and have the opportunity to meet some of you guys and pick your brains face to face.

I do have one question though, How long does it usually take to get the little paid member icon next to my posts and to be able to use the member areas on this site?
Should of been instant i know mine was. But Welcome to Arc and i look Forward to meeting you!
Thanks, I thought it might have appeared by now. it might have helped the other night with the confusion in the "frags for new members" thread
Welcome!!! If you're ever close to Lake Lanier area,stop by for a free bag of Cheato if you want some. (once you become official):lol2:
Thanks BuddyRo, I'll do that! You Guys are awesome!!

Edit: Thanks BuddyRo, I'll do that! You Guys are awesome!!

you can pm stacy22 for info why your membership hasn't appeared.
Welcome Robert. Like you said, great info here and the sponsor discount will pay you back your membership fee many times over!
With all these new people I feel like such a veteran of 3 months :)

Welcome and good to have another reefer on this side of town that way if we ever need to make trips to pick up coral we share or help each other out. Everybody I have met on here is nothing short of awesome. Very helpful and generous with time, knowledge, and corals......