New photo contest?


Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Hi there! It’s been quite a bit since we had the last photo contest, and I was wondering when the next one might be? There was a post almost a year ago that had a few good ideas for contests, or maybe new ideas have popped into people’s heads during this time. I’ll gladly help put one together, although I admittedly would like to participate and put my photo skills to the test with everyone else. I’ll even throw in one of my King Kong Yuma mushrooms as a prize, if it helps incentivize people to participate!
I agree, we should totally start these again! If volunteers are needed for running events, games, and contests, I would be more that willing to lend my aid as well. A "jackpot" prize of coral, gift cards, etc. could be assembled over the year for the photo contest grand champ.
Good evening. I agree. I'll chat with the board for approval. Assuming its approved (a likely assumption), i'll post one soon!
Also, if you want to volunteer a prize, shoot me a PM. For livestock, please include a potential photo as well.

Thank you guys so much for caring! I enjoy these too.
Also, if you want to volunteer a prize, shoot me a PM. For livestock, please include a potential photo as well.

Thank you guys so much for caring! I enjoy these too.
No need to wait if there is a contest idea ready! We can announce the prize next week after the BOD meeting.