New sump refugium 55g/75g


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I decided to make my life a little easier. Working with a sump inside the base of my 215gallon Deep Sea Reef tank was not the most fun! I picked up a 75 gallon reef tank and a 55 gallon on Craigs list a couple of weeks ago. This is in the DIY section but frankly I had a lot of help.
First my son Kevin (dartfrog) helped me build the stand. He then proceeded to create a superb sump out of the 55 gallon tank. With all that done we moved some electrical outlets near the system. Finally Kevin C. of Warehouse Aquarium used his plumbing skills to tie it all together. He tied the main tank into the sump/refugium system through two walls, since there was a stair well between the tank and the "new filter" area.My part was to run around handing parts to both of the Kevins and to shout out instructions to a friend who cut all the pipes for us on a table saw. This project turned out to be very satisfying as my frustration at not being able to maintain the original filter system to my liking was getting to me. Now I can't wait to see what I can do with my 75g refugium (p.s. I added a 1+ inch sand bed to it before we got everything going)
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love the sump, PM me if you want to come get some more macro algae for your refugium
combsatl;600546 wrote: Very nicely done!
Credit goes to my son, Kevin, who did all sump work while visiting us over Christmas. He's very good at it.
Update: the way the tank was installed originally (not level) one overflow gets more water that the other. So the filter socks would clog at different rates. The new setup has solved that problem since the socks or contained in a little well. As one fills up it overflows to the second one. Kevin set it up so that when both socks fill up the water has a place to go. The whole setup has made my aquarium maintenance life so much easier.