New Tank Coming Along!!


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Here are Some pics of my new 75 Gallon. I still need some more live rock but thats curing right now. I also need a flame wrasse or a mystery wrasse. EXPENSIVE!!:boo: But pretty:eek: Let me know what ya'll think. i need some more live rock in the left corner.

Check out the new growth on the cup coral and the maxima clam!!!!!!!!!:tongue2:
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12807=879-Cup Coral growth december 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
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12807=880-dori december 9th 2006 2.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
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12807=881-Maxima Clamm Growth December 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
12807=881-Maxima Clamm Growth December 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
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12807=883-Orange zoanthids december 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
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I think you got enough rock but we all have different ideas. I eventually got up to 407 lbs in my 135! TOO much! I stocked my 55 and 29 gal with rock from this set up and I still feel as if I have too much in the 135. I am looking for a 180 now and will transfer this rock to the new tank so it should look OK then. Your tank is looking great! Keep it up and keep us posted (lots O pics!)
Perosnally, I prefer tghe more open look. I have about 180 pounds in my 210. It give the corals room to grow, the fish room to swim, and offers much more nartural and open appearing rock formations. It is all preference, though.

A note on the flame wrasses- they are notoriously dificult to maintain. Go with the mystery wrasse. Yes , pricey, but a better, more stable addition.
yeah i saw live aquaria but i dont like the fact of spending $200.00 or $300.00 how ever much they are on something that i dont even get to look at first. How much was the one at Imagine Ocean and where is that place?
I dont know the price at Imagine Ocean. You'll need to ask Jen (she runs the joint). It is located in Canton off 575.
Oh, and for whats its worth- DR F+S/LiveAquaria will not do you wrong. You will get a healthy animal. The customer service is the best ever, bar none.
yeah but well i dont know. Will it be a nice looking fish like they wont throw in some ugly like messed up mystery wrasse would they?? thats what i am concerned about.
well, heres a story. I ordered some live rock from them like 8 months ago. when it came in, 1/3 of it was rubble. So I sent an email saying VERY POLITELY that I was disappointed at this, that I expected more. I did not ask for a refund, credit, anything. About an hour later, I got a call from LiveAquaria that they were sorry about the problem, and they were going to send me an entire 45 pounds free- no shipping charge, no nothing. I told tham that was more than I was expecting, and they seemed glad to do it. I have NO ISSUE at all giving them my business.

I think if you recieved a deformed or damaged fish from them, they would surely make it right for you. Furthermore, they have a 14 day stay alive guarantee.
tear tear that was a great story. Thats great to know i am going to do this when i have the money thanks!! a bunch!!
still check with imagine ocean. she may actually be cheaper- and she local- you'll get to see it- etc etc etc.
yeah i will. It says under the mystery wrasse on live aquaria that do to the variations of the species the fish may not be identical to the one pictured. But thats the one that i want is the one pictured. I want a good looking one lol.
they all say that. its so someone doesnt complain if the fish does have that subtle grey line under whatever as its shown in the pic. Im sure you'll get a nice one. occasionally they offer one in the divers den where it is WYSIWYG, but these are even pricier.
thanks ill look into it probably after christmas if i get any money lol. haha and if its not lol man that would be mean then i can take it ot an lfs and get credit for it and tell foster smith it died. No NO NO i wouldnt do this!!
Maroon, fraud is not funny. I guess you wouldnt REALLY do this, but people do, and that is why companys dont have good live guarantees anymore, because of fraudulent buyers. DR F+S is one the few that has a good system, but if (and liely when) people abuse it, it will be changed.