New Tank Help


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I recently got my 220 back up and running and need to get re-educated on the initial setup of things.

I recently filled the tank up with r/o water and it has been up and running for about a week now. I havent had a chance to have my water tested and plan to do so very soon. The live rock that is in there about a 100lbs has been in the backyard dry for about a year.

What are my next steps?

How soon do I need to put a clean up crew/snails in the tank? How many would be suitable for a 220?

If someone could give me a quick run down on setting up a 220 softie tank that would be great, i.e dosing, lighting hours, .....
You could also do a fishless cycle with just dosing some ammonia."></a>

I've done the fishless cycle before and it works great. If you cycle with fish alot of times they will get ammonia or nitrite burn in their gills, which can be detrimental for their uptake of oxygen.

Yea I did seed the tank with a few pcs of live rock but Ill try and throw some cheap fish in there I guess.
If you seeded with some live rock and have the patience, you could just give it several weeks (depending on the ratio of rock to live rock) and not bother with the fish. This would also give ample time for things like copepods and other critters to grow out.
You may want to contact Chris at Einstein Aquatics (ARC Sponser) as I think he has some stuff to kick start the cycle.
Akopley;209370 wrote: if it was in the backyard dry then it isn't live anymore. you need to start your cycle by using either some throw away fish (damsels) or acquire some still living live rock.

That's a completely irresponsible statement. No animal is a "throw away" animal. Ridiculous!

Add shrimp from publix, one or two will do (they're free since they won't register on the scale), and wait. I cycled 800 gallons with a single shrimp.
:) it's still inhumane to expose the damsels to poisonous condtions simply because they are hardy. If there is a way to succesfully cycle a tank without putting a fish through that, then we should promote that route.
Skriz;209573 wrote: That's a completely irresponsible statement. No animal is a "throw away" animal. Ridiculous!

Thank you! NO one ever seems to agree with me on this!
Well, i've placed two green chromis in there and they are doing very well. I am going to try the shrimp method today. I have started however to get an orange algea bloom on the sand. Is this typical for a new tank? How long will it be there?
Skriz;209599 wrote: :) it's still inhumane to expose the damsels to poisonous condtions simply because they are hardy. If there is a way to succesfully cycle a tank without putting a fish through that, then we should promote that route.

Well I guess since fish are not human it really wouldn't be inhumane would it? I prefer to put "throw away" fish in the toilet. That way if they swim fast enough they can make it to the ocean. Oh wait I have a septic tank!:eek:
The orange bloom maybe diatoms which would be typical. Does it look almost like dust? If it is diatoms it is a good sign that the tank is doing what you want it too. It will clear up on its own in a short time.

If it's not diatoms Im sure some one here will get over the "throw away" fish thing and get back to helping you
Hey Ares, it was dead rock, dried out, for months...will there still be a lot of die-off?? Im going to the store and buying two dead shrimp in a little while. Is there anything that I can expect to see after a couple days?
Akopley;209714 wrote: ok i get it...sorry for offering advice that everyone who has had a salty tank has received also. Plus it works so its not BAD advice, just not what you think is the RIGHT way, but a "way" non the less!

It's BAD advice. Just because it works doesn't make it sound advice. We've all been told to do this, but we need to work to change it. We can do this the humane way; the right way! :up:

You don't need the shrimp and the fish at the same time; that won't accomplish much. The best thing to do would be to remove the fish, then add the shrimp.

btw, the definition of humane is: marked by compassion, sympathy or consideration for humans OR animals</em>. :)
Ha, this is crazy! Anyway you think two chromis and two dead shrimp will destroy my 250gallons?? I will post my water parameters later..
dawgdude;209898 wrote: STOP EVERYTHING! Dont put the shrimp in if you have fish in there because you will probably spike the ammonia even worse and kill the fish. Have you tested your water? What is your ammonia, trites, trates, pH, kH, calc and mag? That is waht you should be seeing the change in.

YOU NEED TO SLOW WAY DOWN. This is a hobby of patience and if you keep rushing along you are going to kill live stock and cost yourself money. Calm down, let the cycle happen and do not do everything suggested to you since some of it IS bad advice.

Test Results:

1. Specific Gravity: 1.025
2. Ammonia: 1.0
3. Nitrate n02: 5.0 dark purple
4. Nitrate no3: 10 pee yellow
5. Ph: 8.4

Tank has been cycling for a week and a half, there is also coffe brown algea growth on the sandbed. I also used r/o water with 5ppm to fill all 250 gallons.
Akopley;209905 wrote: You should probably go ahead and start throwing some corals in there, sps are the easiest. Dont forget to get muliple clown fish since they enjoy schooling more than anything. Also make sure to get an eel. Keep the top open since they like to get fresh air as often as possible. Live rock shmive rock...just get some bio balls and you will be set. No need to worry about flow just get an air stone or two and everything will be fine and dandy! Lighting really isn't all its cracked up to be, just put your tank by a window and you should be all set! This hobby is tons of fun and really really easy so just throw caution to the wind and have a blast!

You're an idiot. Didn't you want to buy my 30 cube? That ain't gonna happen. I won't ever sell you anything. I'm sure others are feeling the same way right about now.