New Tank Pr0n Anyone?

I hadn't noticed how the back slides out to reveal all the electric stuff. that's an awesome idea.
tonymission;970541 wrote: Have any water in there yet?

Not yet. Going to try to get things done by this weekend so I can fill it and leak test it this weekend. Here's a few more pics of the plumbing and sump cabinet from 3 angles. I'm cutting the fuge drain and tucking it back closer to back corner of the fuge section of the sump. I still need to make the stand pipes. Few more pics of the sump cabinet.

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I also haven't plugged in the probes for the Apex, but it's mostly coded and ready. Just need to flip some switches and tweak a few things as needed. Things like the lighting, and mp40. Thats a whole different subject though. I'm also adding a ALD and some sensors around the edges of the sump. I also plan to max out the BoB with switches. For now I'm using floats for the ATO. I'm researching something I think is more reliable, but more on that later. I'm planning to add 3 more floats for the ATO and 2 part reservoirs. Use those to alert me when things are low. I've got a reasonable plan on how to get these into the reservoirs without too much hassle. I also plan to add one more float switch for back filling the ATO reservoir to use with a solenoid to kill the RO system. The two part reservoirs I plan to do some simple plumbing to refill. More on that later.

Doors are wired with Honeywell 943WG sensors to turn the fuge light on as a cabinet light when it's not during the hours it would normally be one. I also have some code to send me a text if a cabinet door is opened when I would normally not be at home. I'm also going to add an IP cam into the mix at some point.

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How do you plan to fill the 2 part compartments. Looks a little cramped to just pour in. I saw you said you were going to fill the ATO directly from your RO. Do you also plan on plumbing the RO for mixing?
ghbrewer;970596 wrote: How do you plan to fill the 2 part compartments. Looks a little cramped to just pour in. I saw you said you were going to fill the ATO directly from your RO. Do you also plan on plumbing the RO for mixing?

The filler holes are near the two side doors. The 2 part reservoirs can be easily filled from the right side of the cabinet. The Ato won't be permanently connected to the RO system. The ato can also be filled without hooking it up directly to the RO system on the left side of the cabinet. I live in an apt so that ruled out an Awc and plumbing the RO system into it permanently. But it beats lifting a container to refill the top off water. It will have a switch to close the solenoid when the ato is full to prevent over filling.
I was pouring through old threads trying to inspire me to clean my tank and remembered this one ( that and people keep looking for cool builds so I refer them here).

Any updates? or are you still doing your "air cycle"
Tank build is on hold. Company dropped a bomb on my entire office first week of Sept. I'm relocating to Charlotte, NC. Start new job Oct 16th, but I'm still working on living arrangements. Didn't realize finding an apartment here was such a pain. I have a place to stay, but it's looking like my things might end up in storage for a couple weeks or so until something opens up.
feh;989870 wrote: Tank build is on hold. Company dropped a bomb on my entire office first week of Sept. I'm relocating to Charlotte, NC. Start new job Oct 16th, but I'm still working on living arrangements. Didn't realize finding an apartment here was such a pain. I have a place to stay, but it's looking like my things might end up in storage for a couple weeks or so until something opens up.

Man, that was a jolt I am sure. I am glad you all were not laid off, though. Better it happen before you got water and livestock in there, however.
Acroholic;989882 wrote: Man, that was a jolt I am sure. I am glad you all were not laid off, though. Better it happen before you got water and livestock in there, however.

They did lay us off. My official fire date was Jan 15th or something. I wasn't sticking around to fly to an unsafe place too close to Russia and the Ukraine to train a replacement for an insult to injury as a bonus. This is my last week with that company and I'm spending it burning PTO. I moved to GA for same reason, they shut down the office I worked in before but they at least offered a solution rather than just "See ya". This time they want to take jobs out of the US and screw an already unstable economy. Anyway I'll spare ya the rant. I'll post some pics once I get some rock and what not and start a cycle.
Oh, I am sorry about that. I thought your office location got transferred to Charlotte.
wow man that sucks big time. but like dave said at least it happened before you got the tank set up. and on the bright side you have another job booked in charlotte vs having to spend months looking.
hopefully this new job wont be a repeat of the last 2.