New to ARC, wanted to introduce myself


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Hey everyone, my name is Brent.

I have had a saltwater tank before and got out of the hobby a few years ago. Well the bug came back and I started up a 120 gallon reef tank. Currently stocked with a purple tang, foxface, a misbar clown and black and white clown. It also has the standard cleaning crew with a sandsifting star, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, and a blood red cleaner shrimp added for fun! 3 different anemones (RTBA, rock, and Sebae) and some corals: Green Candy Cane, Kenya Tree, Frog Spawn, Elegance, Galaxea, Plate Pinwheel, Oulophyllia, variety of mushrooms, Green Metallic Star, Toadstool, Fire and Ice Zoas, Mint Chocolate Corals, lobophyllian Brain, Alveopora, and Caulastrea)... Yup, just some... ha All are pretty small but definitely starting to grow.

And now I am looking to start a fish only tank with a snowflake and lionfish. Just what I need, another tank to go with my reef, freshwater, and axolotl tanks...:shades:
welcome! we have a meeting on saturday you should stop by if you can make it. lots of great advice and people here.
I will definitely post some when I get some good pics now that it is done. Only thing that stinks about it is the tank I converted wasn't drilled so I used 2 canister filters rated for 200 gallons each, and the reef octopus 2000 HOB skimmer... At least they do a great job of keeping the tank clean!
NASA_Tiger;1006696 wrote: I will definitely post some when I get some good pics now that it is done. Only thing that stinks about it is the tank I converted wasn't drilled so I used 2 canister filters rated for 200 gallons each, and the reef octopus 2000 HOB skimmer... At least they do a great job of keeping the tank clean!

Whatever works right :up: my first one wasn't drilled. Would never go back now after getting my RR.
Welcome Brent. Come out on Saturday and meet us all face to face. I will be the sort, fat, balding, old, handsome guy. :)
rdnelson99;1006710 wrote: Welcome Brent. Come out on Saturday and meet us all face to face. I will be the sort, fat, balding, old, handsome guy. :)

3 out of 4 is fairly accurate...
I would love to come on Saturday, but unfortunately I have an appointment to work on my tattoo...

The 2 axolotls are in a 20 gallon long tank. It was set up nicely until they decided they wanted to redecorate it. Now I just leave it so they are fat and happy. And I am pretty sure one is pregnant or just really fat
dball711;1006728 wrote: Welcome back Brent, the bug will never completely leave your system.

You got bugs in your system???? Remind me to never take a frag from you!!! :)
You would have more fun at the ARC meeting. You could always call and reschedule the update to your tattoo. We have a great guest speaker this Saturday. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet someone whom has created a product that solved a terrible problem with a very rare male marine angel fish that was not eating in captivity. The speakers creation of a frozen food that the male angel started eating while all other food products failed. Now the rare breed of marine angle fish have offspring and this is the first time this specific species has bred in captivity. What an achievement? Now, can your tattoo update be rescheduled?
