New to Atlanta Reef Club - 65 gal build


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Hey All -

I'm new to the ARC so i thought I'd post the whole project I've undergone. Let me preface this by saying I've had a 26 gal bowfront up and running since Jan 2010 and recently decided to upgrade to a 65 gal. I bought the aquarium off Craigslist for $200 (aquarium, stand, canopy, sump, skimmer, pumps, etc). I bought 2x 1350gph powerheads and about 100lbs of liverock.

The stand that came with it wasn't very nice (typical) so I decided to build my own. Here's how everything turned out, start to finish:" alt="" />

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What do you guys think? I still have to paint the doors but it's almost done :)

I'm saving a picture of your stand in case I talk my hubby into a bigger tank sometime. Love it. :thumbs: More pictures please!!
Thanks, guys! It's actually the first 'wood-working' project I've ever done (aside from chair rail in my living room downstairs). It's not perfect but I think it came out pretty well... and there's not a snowball's chance that it will ever break or anything - haha. I think I used seven 2x4's in the frame.

So over the weekend I added a few fish - two clowns and a flame angel. Here they are, happily swimming around:" alt="" />

If you have anything specific you want me to take a picture of, let me know!


PS. here's a pic from when I first put the rock in. It gives a better idea of how everything is set up.

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A little better view of the layout

Thanks, all. I'm going to get a kole tang this weekend (hopefully) and I'll send some pics after he's acclimated and happy.
So, upon speaking with my LFS guy, I decided to move forward with both a Yellow Tang and a Kole Tang. They are like two peas in a pod swimming about, happy as can be. It's funny, most of the time they swing right next to one another and mirror what the other does. Will send pics when the lights turn on for the day :)
Cole and Yellow Tang
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Clowns, Yellow Tang and Kole hiding
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Sweet! Nice work, and welcome! I like the yellow eye kole! They're the coolest fish! So much personality.