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Hi, this is difficult! I used to own 5 saltwater aquariums in the 70's before I moved to GA in the 80's - been away from this side of the hobby for so long I can't even figure out what I thought I new vs what is known now. I knew nothing but managed to keep my fish alive with lots of filtration and lots of money (to replace the one's that didn't make it) My son has convinced me to convert my 175 g freshwater tank to salt. Here's where we are, cleaned tank, and are in the process of adding salt water and crushed coral. At this point we are going to use canister filters (I've got one Fluval 304 and am considering a Fluval FX5) Eventually we will likely replace with sump system. I really haven't set a plan for what I want to do with this tank so I'm open to suggestions.
I am looking forward to participating in this forum and gaining some more knowledge, thanks for your support!
I would stay away from Crushed coral. Its a nitrate factory!
Welcome to the boards! Ask all the ?'s you need.
your best bet is to get a book to get updated on what is going on i here alot of things have chaged since then and we dont used crush corals anymore but there is some one on the forums that still does welcome back to the addiction ...once and addict allways an addict
Welcome to ARC and back to the hobby!

answers that all of us have asked at one time or another.  Good luck and make sure you ask any questions you may have or if you need any help!
Welcome , and you might wanna rethink using canister filters. A sump is easy to setup and has many benefits. Also a refugium would be recommended as well. You will need a good protein skimmer as well.
Welcome back to the hobby...

As someone who took 8 years off, I know HOW MUCH things have changed... If I had to make one suggestion, it would be READ as much as you can and ask as many questions as you can beofre you buy anything. As you remember, nothing comes fast in a saltwater tank and the more we know about them, the more we realize how slow we need to take things. I agree that you might want to re-think the canister filter and go for a sump right off the back, you can build one yourself for about $50 and it is much easier to do at the start then try to do later. Believe me we can put your canister filters to good use with a little modding, just not as a filter for a reef tank! ;) By second tid but of advice is to buy three books:"></a>



You can find them used on e-bay and it might save you a buck or two. The first one you should read cover to cover twice before you buy anything. It will go over everything that has changes since you left the hobby. It is written by the same guy that runs [IMG]"></a> and is a great reference.

This hobby is expensive still, but any thing you can do to do things right the first time, you wallet will thank you for down the road. Feel free to ask ANY questions that you have. We might not always agree on the answer but we will always be willing to help. Again, Welcome and glad you found us!
I was in the same place you were one year ago. I had some nice fish only saltwater tanks in New York back in the 70's but was out of the hobby when I moved to GA 25 years ago. A LOT has changed since then... I got a ton of advice from the gang here on the ARC the past year. Biggest difference for me to adjust to was the use of LiveRock and a good skimmer with no mechanical filtration. I had some big old Ehiems I used to run on my tanks back then, now I have a sump, powerheads for water movement, a UV Sterlizer and a skimmer. My 70 has been running for about a year now and is thriving. The other consideration is lighting, depending on what you want to keep if you decide early you can save yourself some serious money having to replace lights six months from now if you decide to add some clams, anenomes or SPS as your reef addiction grows. Welcome back!!!
Thanks for all your input. Project is moving along. We have changed plans and will go with sump. My son who has a 29 gal reef tank has the books and is sharing his knowledge as well. Will keep you posted on our progress.
(Just got back from AquaBuys with siphon box and return pump and good buy on salt!:yes:)