Welcome back to the hobby...
As someone who took 8 years off, I know HOW MUCH things have changed... If I had to make one suggestion, it would be READ as much as you can and ask as many questions as you can beofre you buy anything. As you remember, nothing comes fast in a saltwater tank and the more we know about them, the more we realize how slow we need to take things. I agree that you might want to re-think the canister filter and go for a sump right off the back, you can build one yourself for about $50 and it is much easier to do at the start then try to do later. Believe me we can put your canister filters to good use with a little modding, just not as a filter for a reef tank!
By second tid but of advice is to buy three books:
You can find them used on e-bay and it might save you a buck or two. The first one you should read cover to cover twice before you buy anything. It will go over everything that has changes since you left the hobby. It is written by the same guy that runs [IMG]http://www.wetwebmedia.com">www.wetwebmedia.com</a> and is a great reference.
This hobby is expensive still, but any thing you can do to do things right the first time, you wallet will thank you for down the road. Feel free to ask ANY questions that you have. We might not always agree on the answer but we will always be willing to help. Again, Welcome and glad you found us!