New to Reefing and to the ARC


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New member and new reefer. This is my first ever tank. It's a 5.5g bow front.

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What's in it:
<li>5lbs Fiji Live Rock (uncured)</li>
<li>CaribSea Fiji Live Sand</li>
<li>Water from the LFS</li>
<li>Coralife 11\" T5</li>
<li>Marineland Maxi-Jet 400</li>
<li>7.5W Tank Heater</li>
</ul>My History

For Christmas, my 9-year-old got a betta. We heard that bettas were easy. Cool. We can handle that.

I killed it.

Figured out I was doing some things wrong. Fixed those things. Bought another one.

Killed it.

Fixed some more things. Bought another one.

It lived almost 5 days. Getting better!

Fixed what I thought was everything. Bought another one.

6 days later, played fish hospital all day long. Fish died during the night.

At that point, I gave up. VERY frustrated with the people at the chain store who had no clue what I needed to do to actually</em> keep these fish alive and healthy, I put everything in the closet and began to read...and read...and read.

Over the course of 4 to 6 weeks, I read everything I could find (including a couple of Julian Sprung's books). My brain was full. It was time to just start trying to do it.

So today, I headed to an LFS that I had been to a few times (Pure Reef in Alpharetta). It came highly recommended, and I had been very impressed the times I had been there. The experience was outstanding. They didn't try to sell me anything I didn't need, and their prices were comparable to online prices that I have seen.

I came home with everything I needed to retrofit an old 5.5g bow front that I had. It's smaller than I would have liked, but I had it and I knew that this was all going to be a huge experiment anyway. I'll go larger if I discover that I actually like this and</em> can keep from killing everything again.

Why uncured rock? I just wanted to see what all would be on there :) I've got all the time in the world, so I don't mind the tank taking longer to cycle and maybe having to fight some battles along the way.

tl;dr: I'm brand new to reef tanks, and the 5.5g is simply because I already had that tank. I've read my brains out, and now I just need to do it</em> and see what happens.

I'm open to any and all comments. I have thick skin, so I don't mind you telling me where I totally screwed up :) It's the only way I'm going to learn.
Thanks, guys!

As for the rock work, that was the first thing I ran into that wasn't at all like I was expecting. The guy in the store stacked the 5 pieces in like 5 seconds, so I didn't think anything about it. Took me an hour when I got home to figure out how to place them :)
You learned the most important lesson in this hobby. Read, Read, Read!!! Good to see that you didn't give up but that you seem to care about the well being of the critters in your care. Slow and steady wins the race. Glad to have you on board. Keep the pics coming as you progress.
Welcome! I also like your rock work, I am about to aquascape my 34gal Solana with similar rock. Bali LR, if I recall correctly.

With a small aquarium like yours it'll require more care, but I'm delighted to see that you read all you could before re-entering the fray.

Here's to your success! :cheers:
Thanks for the comments and welcomes, everybody! I appreciate it.

Chris, I'll ask you what they always ask me: You kin to the Pikes that own the nursery? (Well, technically, used</em> to own the nursery.)
Welcome! I would have to give a +1 to everything stated above. Slow and steady DOES win the race. I too started with a small tank, (because they are cheaper) but they do come with bigger headaches. Time is on your side. You said, you got the uncured rock to "see what all was on there." My first tank, I was more amazed with the small "critter" I found in the following weeks, I never really got to coral. However, although you said you have all the time in the world, you WILL be tempted to put something in there. Just remember to limit yourself! I do my reef shopping A. out of necessity, and then B. as a reward for not killing anything. If you do have something pass, know that it may not have been your fault, but you will want to wait twice as long before making your next addition. Patience is something you will quickly learn if you do not already have plenty of it. Congrats on "taking the dive" (PUN!!) and enjoy. These people know a lot about what they are telling you. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need. There are a few good sticky's in the new member Q&A that may save you time. Good luck and happy reefing!
Welcome! Small tanks rapidly change but a gallon of water from the store is less than a buck and will last a few days of top offs! I used uncured live rock myself and got a few mushrooms out of the deal as well as a muscle! You know some of the risks, just stay on top of them. This is a great community and I've found people answer questions here faster than on most of the national sites so you found a good home!
Thanks, guys. I really do appreciate you taking the time to comment.

As for having all the time in the world, that was two days ago. I'm ready for the cycle to be done now :D Seriously, though, I just sit and stare at it forever, even though nothing's really going on (well, to the naked eye). Spent several hours this morning developing at least an initial plan for what corals are going to go where -- which I'm sure will change.

And man, I figured out why frag swaps are such a big deal :) Even just 6 little coral are going to add up quickly</em>.
Look closer. I'll bet that live rock is covered in little worms and stuff... I named my first one Gus over a year ago and he's still doing well.
Way to go!!! Your adventure is on its way. Like you, I'm still reading all the information I can get my hands on. I

Look forward to seeing your tank come to life.
Yes we all look forward to new tanks! Try and post pictures as they come to fruition! Also if you ever have problems make sure to post your latest water test parameters! This way you don't waste time having to go back and get things tested.
In July I started my tank. I look back now and laugh at myself. I have pictures of snails, algae, diatom, etc..... You are going to be surprised at how much life is in that tank before you ever add anything. :) Just stick with the "Slow and Steady" and you will do great.
I haven't seen anything yet...and it's not from lack of trying! :D I figured I'd see something by now. Anything. There are several things growing, though. I'll post pics later and see if I can figure out what they are :)