Hi all! So after messing around with fresh water for 8 months or so I've decided it's time to take the plunge into salt water. I have 2 55 gallons and a 120 and I've always herd when starting out bigger is better so I'm making the 120 a comunity reef tank.
As far as lighting goes I've got 4 high output 36" t5's in my canopy right now. I've herd t5's are good enough for most soft coral so I think I'm goin to get 4 more. What would you guys saggest?
And for my sump and skimmer i'm hoping to find used stuff in here. I've seen home made sumps also so I've thought about turning my ertra 55 into a sump cuz it would fit perfectly under everything. Also I work for a company my dad owns (deals with waste water in big plants) so I may be able to get some pretty powerfull return pumps for cheap. Don't know if they would work the same as pumps that are made for this though. So I'd like some input in that idea as well.
So as of now the only known prices I've got for everything are;
Salt- $50
Live Sand- $100
And I plan in getting most of my live rock off someone who's breaking a tank down.
So how much do you think I'd be spending on a propper sized sump return pump and skimmer? I've been told 4-500 for everything new but would perfer to get used stuff.
As far as lighting goes I've got 4 high output 36" t5's in my canopy right now. I've herd t5's are good enough for most soft coral so I think I'm goin to get 4 more. What would you guys saggest?
And for my sump and skimmer i'm hoping to find used stuff in here. I've seen home made sumps also so I've thought about turning my ertra 55 into a sump cuz it would fit perfectly under everything. Also I work for a company my dad owns (deals with waste water in big plants) so I may be able to get some pretty powerfull return pumps for cheap. Don't know if they would work the same as pumps that are made for this though. So I'd like some input in that idea as well.
So as of now the only known prices I've got for everything are;
Salt- $50
Live Sand- $100
And I plan in getting most of my live rock off someone who's breaking a tank down.
So how much do you think I'd be spending on a propper sized sump return pump and skimmer? I've been told 4-500 for everything new but would perfer to get used stuff.