New to Saltwater and to the Forum


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Hello everyone, I have been a member to this site for quite some time, but my reef I was planning to make never came to fruition. I have since restarted and I am looking forward to learning as much as I can and making the best reef possible for my budget. I am currently I guess you can say cycling a 20g nano reef that I just set up today. I have 17lbs of dry rock and some live sand with some saltwater from my LFS running with a powerhead right now. I guess all I do now is wait. Hopefully I can get this going soon.
Glad to hear you finally got it going!  Next we need pictures of the of luck.
Good luck with the new setup Jaybird. Don't be afraid to ask any questions here. We all continue to learning everyday in this hobby. You will find that many of the issues that you run into, will have been solved by someone else here. As Dave said...Let's see some pictures.
Trust me you do not want to see the tank right now. lol. It is extremely cloudy from the sand. I hope it will be settled by tomorrow.

The biggest issue I am running into right now is just what else to add. I want to add a HOB for chemical filtration. I am set on the Tidal 55, but I could go to the Tidal 75. I plan to just use filter floss and carbon. However is this needed for the cycling portion of this? I think I can get by flow wise with the Tidal and one really good powerhead. I was thinking this Hydor any suggestions? I was originally not going to use a HOB and just use two of these powerheads. However I learned on forums that a HOB is really beneficial.

Oh and for lighting. I want to use LEDs and I just have no idea where to get started. My LFS thinks I can get by with a kessil A80. My research online says otherwise. I really am interested in the AI prime HD but I do not know if it is worth the money.

Oh boy. I love this hobby 🤣🤣🤣
Here's where pictures would come in handy. Is your 20 gallon a 20 long, Standard or all in one? You will find that HOB filters just don't work very well for salt water. OH...I have used them on occasion especially during an emergency. BUT... I would much rather use an overflow box with a sump. If you must use the HOB just keep an eye on your parameters. That floss will collect and leech nasty stuff back into your tank if left too long.  If your setup doesn't allow room for a sump,  :-) Go here and check out some of these posts.[node]=30

As for LED lighting, check out the EQUIPMENT FROM 465G TANK BREAKDOWN post by JJ Ocean. He has 3 AI prime LEDs for $100 each. They are not the HD but they are great lights especially at that price point and will grow anything.
Yeah the HOB is the best I can really do. I know to change the floss probably like twice a week. I have a 20G High. So the regular. And yeah I’ll definitely check that out. Yeah that sounds perfect.
I've used an HOB on my 40 gallon for years and it's been fine but If you have room I'd get the big one with two compartments and run purigen and chemipure in the other side. As the other user said, change that floss out regularly.
Alright sounds good. I guess I could get the Tidal 75 then. I think with that and with this hydor should be enough flow. Should I get this filter right now? Will the filter help with the cycle?

Oh and I only need one of the AI sol blues? I am trying to research but it is hard to find information because they are pretty old.
Welcome to this amazing hobby.  If you want to get a good cheap powerhead the Jaebo's do a great job.  Check with Atlanta Aquarium they carry them in stock.  The rw4's or sw4's should work well for your sized tank.