new to saltwater tanks


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I have a 10g tank with aruba puka shell for flooring, thermometer, ammonia alert, whisper5-15 pump, 15watt heater, airstone, and 2 clownfish.It has been cycling for 3 1/2 weeks and the fish have been doing fine so far just wondering what else I need and what advise anybody might have.I want to add a bubble tip anemone in a couple weeks and also something to control the algae.
Hey welcome to the forums! Let me first start by saying that you will need to upgrade your light if you want to keep corals. Everything else sounds good. LMK if you need any help or advise with your tank.

Is your light just a florescent bulb? If so, then Bryan is right and you will need to upgrade your light to keep most corals and especially anemones. There are several options depending on what you anticipate keeping in your tank.

I have listed these from least to most expensive:
1. Power compact lights: They are florescent bulbs that have descent output and are "relatively inexpensive". You should be able to keep anemones and soft coral.

2. T5 florescent fixtrues: they are again florescent bulbs with higher output than Power Compact lights. They require a hood and reflectors to be installed above them in order for them to be efficient.

3. Metal Halide Lighting: this is the most expensive option of lighting and will allow you to keep almost any coral in your tank. if you see Sammy
a>, he has good deals on fixtures and is an ARC Sponsor.
To keep the anemone in there, do you need to upgrade the light or the water flow, and is the tank big enough for 2 clownfish and an anemone??
:welcome: to the Atlanta Reef Club!

As for your setup, please make additions slowly.

A few cleaner inverts like astreas and blue legged hermit crabs or similar inverts would be good in order to remove detritus and microalgaes.

Also, if you want to eventually keep a Bubble Tip Amenone, I would wait until your tank is several months older in order for your tank to completely cycle and mature. I would also strongly recommend that you increase your lighting from a 15 watts to ~65w or more in order for it to get enough energy (par) between feedings.

Welcome Aboard! :up:

You will most likely need to upgrade the flow as well. The tank is also big enough for two clowns and an anenome. You will also be able to keep other invertibrates and corals in there. I would go with Power Compact lighting because it is inexpensive and it really is all you need on a Ten gallon tank.
Listen to Bob... Take it slow. No good things in reef keeping happen fast, only bad things. let it completely cycle, add a cleaner crew (snails/hermits) and then decide what you want to do.
kj_yoda wrote: Listen to Bob... Take it slow. No good things in reef keeping happen fast, only bad things. let it completely cycle, add a cleaner crew (snails/hermits) and then decide what you want to do.

That sounds familiar. What book did you get that from? The only bad things happen fast. As far as flow goes. I would just put a small power head in the like a Maxi Jet or something like that. I would start with ten Blue leggs and 10 turbo or astrea snails.
Once you add more fish and there is more waste and algae to eat then I would have 10 of each. I would START with about 7-8 of each. Or even less. It doesnt seem like you have much in there for them to eat yet.
Your cleanup crew really depends on how much lighting and extra food you have going into the tank. More light + more food = more algae. I'd say just grab a couple of snails and hermits untill you upgrade your light. Power compact (pc) would probably be your best bet since they are a good deal cheaper, easier to find and produce less heat than the halides. If you put powerheads in a tank that small I would suggest placing a sponge or something over the powerhead because Bubble Tipped Anemones (BTA) sometimes like to go on the move.
I would not add anything....clean up crew or fish for that matter while your tank is cycling. Personally I would not cycle a tank with fish in it. It is very hard on the fish. Are you testing the water for ammonia, nitrates?
Salwater tanks can take a month or two to fully cycle. I agree that you should wait several months, maybe a year, before adding the anemone. The clowns don't need it, so I'd wait until the tank has matured a bit.