New to the Hpbby Can I see your setup


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Hey there my name is chris. I have a 24g nano and just recently bought a 90g. I am in the process of setting it up. I would like to find someone on here in the area to look at their take and maybe pick your brain a little bit. Being new to the hobby I have a bunch of unanswered questions about lighting, ballasts, corals, etc. Plus it would be cool to meet someone in this hobby. If your interested in showing me your tank please reply. I am in Marietta.

I think that one thine everyone here loves to do is show off all their hard work... Myself included! Feel free to contact me if your in my neck of the woods and want to see my tank!!!

125RR & 12nano
When is the next planned tour of tanks anyway? I think I'm finally ready to showcase mine, even though it's one of the low tech ones. My 90 doesn't even have a sump.
I dont know about a "tour of tanks" that would be great what is the deal with that?
Tony was talking about it in another thread about next month's meeting. It is still in the works I suppose......

tsciarini;28578 wrote: We are actually starting to put together a "Tour of Tanks" where we'll get together as a group on a weekend and drive around to a few houses of people that want to host and check out tank setups that way...
Keep a lookout, I'm trying to make it happen in the next couple weeks.

I think that would be very cool.

Hey Chris, shouldn't you be working or something????

It's Mitch, what's going on?

Hit me up and I'll tell you everything I know. Should only take 30 seconds or so.
Chris you are always welcome to make the drive over to Lawrenceville and see my tank and chicagoman's tank. (His is much bigger but my wife says that does not matter, my motion is better in my little ocean!)
I'd be up for a ToT. I'm in Smyrna.

The tank's not much, but what I lack in volume I make up for in population density. :tongue2:
I was actually talking with Tony a few days ago about this. We are going to work out a date and time stay tuned.

Mitch, I didnt know you were into this stuff :) Oh I am hard at work :) "you know how it is" what is you 4 digit I'll give you a call.
Yea buddy. x8092

I've been doing it about 6 months now.

Give me a ring when work dies down some.

Ive got a collection of things growing here and there. Im still working on my reef. I just added some huge chromis.
If you want to come by and look I have a 90 and I'm at Bells Ferry and 575.

just a thought about a ToT......i think itd be best on a weekend so that trafic is out of the question.....but yeah....I'd do it.
Tour of Tanks was always held on a weekend in the past. It usually takes alteast half the day depending on how many we have involved. I've spoken with a few members and theyve all agreed to host (including myself). We just need to figure out a good weekend to do it. I'll keep you guys posted.
Xyzpdq0121;30293 wrote: Chris you are always welcome to make the drive over to Lawrenceville and see my tank and chicagoman's tank. (His is much bigger but my wife says that does not matter, my motion is better in my little ocean!)

Xyzpdq0121;30293 wrote: (His is much bigger but my wife says that does not matter, my motion is better in my little ocean!)

omg, that's funny... LOL