New to The Site and the Hobby, please help!


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Good Morning!

I am hoping to gain some more insight here into this hobby that my husband and I have just jumped into!

We started out with a 45 gallon tank that we inherited. It was previously a freshwater tank but we made some modifications so that we would be able to use it for a reef tank and so far we are pretty pleased.

However, we have noticed that our frogspawn is not doing so hot. We began adding calcium, magnesium, and kh/alkilinity supplements based on the test results in hopes that it would help it as well as to boost the health of our other corals.

Also, we are looking to add another tank to our collection, preferably 120+ gallons. Does anyone have recommendations for where to buy the tank and everything? We want a more shallow and wide tank, not a tall one. Also we would love for it to be reef ready.

Thanks so much everyone!
Hi there! Welcome!!

Could you provide some more information in regards to your current tank?

1. Tank temperature
2. Salinity? (What are you using to test?)
3. What test kits did you use, and what were the results:


4. Have you tested for the following (if so, what were the results):


5. What type of lighting are you using? Brand/Model?

This will help to indentify what might be going on in your system.

In regards to your new tank, you might want to call some of our sponsors. Most of them sell, or can order a tank to your liking. Off the top of my head, I know that Pure Reef and Optimum Aquarium have a lot of tanks in stock usually.

Happy Reefing!!!
A picture of the overall tank and the frogspawn coral in its current condition would be beneficial as well.
Welcome. I would also add that it would be best to be patient. Read all you can on this forum before you buy. Most of us have bought things only to later find we would have preferred something else. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Lots of people here willing to help.
Welcome to ARC!

Sounds like you might be like a lot of us here (addicted)!

The 120 gallon is the most common size tank. If you keep an eye on the "Drygoods and livestock" section, be patient and particular, your tank will definitely come along at half-price. You most definitely only want to purchase a reef ready tank if you're wanting a reef tank. You can't put enough equipment on a tank that can do what a sump can do as far as adding additional water volume, hiding equipment and filtration.
As stated above, the more info you can provide the more accurate your questions can be answered.

A lot of good, experienced people are on here and always ready to help and lend a hand!

Oh yeah and we all love tank pictures!

Welcome to the hobby, glad you found us!
Hola! Welcome to this addiction! Please enjoyed!

This is a very informative section here in the club where you can gather information, it had helped me, and honestly wish there would be more stickies to be posted. Reefing books had helped me too, they're nice to have in hand."></a>

You'll progress in your tank and before you know it you'll have parameters under control and those corals will be thriving, it just takes little time, again, don't get stressed because of this or that happen, keep enjoying the journey!
Yep... Need more info. Filtration? Lights? Livestock? Just to begin...
Welcome to the forum.
I've been in the hobby for awhile but just getting back in from a couple years break; the best advice I can give is to READ and RESEARCH. Also there are multiple ways to do things with a reef tank, do it the way that you like or that fits you better. Eg. being sump or no sump, refugium no refugium, skimmer no skimmer, drilled not drilled.

I found out that all those options can work well that you just have to find which one works best for you.
Welcome. I am new to the saltwater hobby myself, and this forum, for about 7 months. My personal opinion on a tank would be buy new. I looked into used tanks and I felt much better buying new so I would not worry about any possibilities of it leaking down the road. I like the peace of mind of starting new. There are though a lot of trust worthy members here that would be straight up about the condition and quality of their equipment they are selling. Good luck. :D:D:thumbs::thumbs::up::up:
Hey All,

I have had some...issues figuring out how to post pictures. As far as everything else: here goes.

We have begun testing the levels of everything and noticed that our calcium runs about where it should be (ranges between 410 and 480). The Magnesium was low the first time that we tested (about 1100) but we have since brought it up to normal. We keep our salinity between 1.023 and 1.025. And the temp is about 79 most of the time although it fluctuates up a little and down a little depending on the lights being on, usually no more than a degree in either direction. Oh! And Alkilinity/Kh is around 4.1/12 usually.

We adjusted where our power flow was pointing and it really helped our frogspawn, I think that there was just too much flow on it! Since we began testing the water and dosing based on the instructions, everything is really thriving! We added an orange torch last weekend which seems to be doing best out of everything in our tank!

Our Nitrates/Nitrites are low, barely noticable and when we did see a little spike we did a large water change and it helped.

I have started another post regarding the tank that we want and some other things like that.

We have done a lot of research and definitely are trying to be patient when it comes to nursing our current tank to fruition and to deciding exactly what we want next and how to do it.

I am still working on how to post pictures, it appears to work then when I look, they aren't there! Someone else recommended an app to try so we shall see how that works.

Please let me know if I forgot anything!
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