New to this hobby, need BIG help!!!


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hello everyone in the club :thumbs: ,

I have been a fresh water fish enthusiast for years, but has always been envious for the beautiful reef tanks at the local fish store. I finally got a used tank and equipments from a guy, and I am now ready for the reef tank challange. I did a lot of researches before posting here for help. So let me first tell you what I have:

-90 gallon reef ready tank with the over-flow
-Red Sea Berlin Turbo Skimmer with the original pump
-Mag 7 Pump
-30 gallon glass tank (as a refugium tank)
-20 gallon glass tank (I had it for fresh water, could be used for additional refugium tank or something?)
-Crushed shells and corals as sand bed
-100 lbs of dead coral and base rocks
-48" Coralife Lunar Aqualight

I have set up the tank with RO water of TDS of 2 mixed with salt to salinity of 1.024
The water goes from main tank down to 30 gallon tank, there I have a protein skimmer and use the Mag 7 pump to up the water up to tank.

*** My Goal: 6-8 fish, cleaning crew, hard and soft corals

-What do they mean by "reef ready tank"? can I use the box with the over-flow in the back of the tank for anything? (it holds some water in there)
-Do I need more live sand in tank for biological filter and if yes, how much is reccomended?
-I am planning to add some live rocks in main tank, how much is enough?
-What kind of things should I have for my refugium (Rite-Size filter pads, sand, rocks, fish, plants?)
-Is the light fixture enough for hard corals (still don't know what I should get for the future, but love hard corals :roll: )
-I have read about the Berlin Skimmer so I am trying to modify it with a Beckett Injector from"><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></a>, I have got a lot of bubbles, but after I tested for few hours, there were no skimmate in the collection cup (only a small amount of dirty water). And the water comes out of the skimmer have bubbles too. Also, if the air valve of the Beckett injector has water come out, is that normal? I am ordering a Kent venturi to see if it helps and I will try that in couple days. I have read from other websites that sometimes it takes maybe a week for the skimmer to collect skimmate in the collection cup, is that true?
-Do I need cleaning crew for my tank?
-I have some acrylic sheets and planning to divide the 30 gallon tank into 3 compartments with 1st section for protein skimmer, the middle for refugium tank and the 3rd holds water to be pumped to the main tank. Do I need to do this or I can use the 30 gallon tank with all the equipments and living things together (without dividing) as a refugium.
-Do you guys think I need anything else for this tank, because I don't want to add any living things in before it is ready.

Thank you so much for any help to get me started this tank.


Oh, I will try to come to the meeting tonight, what should I bring with me? a big bucket with mixed salt water?
Thanks again and have a nice day guys.:yay:
I'll answer some as I know them:

mattdang;47163 wrote: -What do they mean by "reef ready tank"? can I use the box with the over-flow in the back of the tank for anything? (it holds some water in there)
This refers to the pre-drilled tank (usually with an overflow box, but not required) that makes it easy to have a sump where you can put skimmers and other equipment.
mattdang;47163 wrote: -Do I need more live sand in tank for biological filter and if yes, how much is reccomended?
I wouldn't use crushed coral (if you refer to the coarse stuff like">this</a>). It really just traps detritus which will cause problems. If you want to have a substrate, I suggest [IMG]">Aragamax</a> which is also available from some of our local sponsors. "Enough" depends on if you want an aesthetic covering or a functional deep sand bed. For the former, 1/2" - 1" deep will do. For the latter, 4"-6" deep which is a lot of sand for a 90. Probably as much as 150# since I used the better part of a 40# bag to put a 5" sand bed in a 15 gallon tank (1'x2'). The benefits of either are a subject of a long, long discussion and debate.
[QUOTE=][B]mattdang;47163 wrote:[/B] -I am planning to add some live rocks in main tank, how much is enough? [/QUOTE]
If you're willing to run the tank for a few months with just the sand and your "dead"/base rock, only a couple pieces of LR are necessary to seed the tank. It will take a while, but you'll also end up with a stable, well aged system by the time you start adding fish and coral.
[QUOTE=][B]mattdang;47163 wrote:[/B] -What kind of things should I have for my refugium (Rite-Size filter pads, sand, rocks, fish, plants?)[/QUOTE]
Nothing but a 5000K-6500K light (the 6500K power compact socket bulbs in Wal-Mart/Lowes are fine) and some plants (cheato is popular). Maybe some rocks, if you like. No fish, no filter pads. Some people put a deep sand bed in their refugiums instead of the main display.
[QUOTE=][B]mattdang;47163 wrote:[/B] -Is the light fixture enough for hard corals (still don't know what I should get for the future, but love hard corals :roll: )
-I have read about the Berlin Skimmer so I am trying to modify it with a Beckett Injector from [/QUOTE]
I'm not familiar with these, so I don't know.
[QUOTE=][B]mattdang;47163 wrote:[/B] -Do I need cleaning crew for my tank?[/QUOTE]
Yes! Very, very important to get a good selection of invertebrates as a cleanup crew. Packages can save you money here.

Other things to get:

Test kits: pH/Alk, Nitrate/Nitrite, Ammonia, Calcium
Since you're new to saltwater, I recommend the Seachem line of chemicals to dose. Very easy, very forgiving. [IMG]">Reef Advantage</a>, [IMG]">Reef Builder</a>, and [IMG]">Reef Buffer</a> to manage your general water chemistry.
[QUOTE=][B]mattdang;47163 wrote:[/B] Oh, I will try to come to the meeting tonight, what should I bring with me? a big bucket with mixed salt water?[/QUOTE]
At this stage, I'd just bring yourself and a bounty of questions. :D

See you there.
Is that light you have a PC light?
If it is then no SPS corals if that was what you were asking...
It's the light that has 2 purple and 2 white light with 3 small moon lights.
mattdang;47211 wrote: mopar9012,
It's the light that has 2 purple and 2 white light with 3 small moon lights.

sounds like a PC light. Im thinking with that light you could only keep softies...
mattdang;47163 wrote:

-What do they mean by "reef ready tank"? can I use the box with the over-flow in the back of the tank for anything? (it holds some water in there)
-Do I need more live sand in tank for biological filter and if yes, how much is reccomended?
-I am planning to add some live rocks in main tank, how much is enough?
-What kind of things should I have for my refugium (Rite-Size filter pads, sand, rocks, fish, plants?)
-Is the light fixture enough for hard corals (still don't know what I should get for the future, but love hard corals :roll: )
-I have read about the Berlin Skimmer so I am trying to modify it with a Beckett Injector from"><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></a>, I have got a lot of bubbles, but after I tested for few hours, there were no skimmate in the collection cup (only a small amount of dirty water). And the water comes out of the skimmer have bubbles too. Also, if the air valve of the Beckett injector has water come out, is that normal? I am ordering a Kent venturi to see if it helps and I will try that in couple days. I have read from other websites that sometimes it takes maybe a week for the skimmer to collect skimmate in the collection cup, is that true?
-Do I need cleaning crew for my tank?
-I have some acrylic sheets and planning to divide the 30 gallon tank into 3 compartments with 1st section for protein skimmer, the middle for refugium tank and the 3rd holds water to be pumped to the main tank. Do I need to do this or I can use the 30 gallon tank with all the equipments and living things together (without dividing) as a refugium.
-Do you guys think I need anything else for this tank, because I don't want to add any living things in before it is ready.


Well welcom matt, I will try to answer what I can as well in the short time I have before bed.

1) A "reef ready" tank should already be drilled to include an overflow built into the tank. If this is the case, you have no need for a hang on the back overflow box.

2) I would not use crushed coral as your sand bed. I would go with something a bit more fine grain and for a 90 gal tank I would look at about a 3-4" sand bed which should be about 150lbs or so depending on the size of the grain. Crushed coral has too many problem as a sand bed. It allows too much junk to get traped in it, it is hard on fish and inverts that live in it, etc... Check out this link for a reference: [IMG]"></a> and this one: [IMG]"></a>

3) A good rule of thumb is to have 1.5-2lbs of live rock per gallon of tank water. So in your case you are looking for about 135-180 lbs or rock. You can use you base rock and just "seed" it with some critters for a healthy tank to turn it "live" again.

4) Start your reading on a "fuge" here: [IMG]"></a> The basics to start off for one is: sand (I like a deep sand bed for a fuge), a light, and macro algae. Other then that you can add some left over live rock if you like. You can also read up and experiment with a plenum (start here: [IMG]"></a> and here: [IMG]"></a> ) No live stock should go in your fuge other then stuff that will grow down there that is going to appear by you doing nothing.

5) Your light is NOT enough for hard corals. soft corals yes, LPS corals maybe, but sps is out of the question on a PC light like yours. You will need to upgrade to Halide lights or T5 lighting for those. But starting off with soft corals and LPS corals is not a bad thing. Get your feet wet first BEFORE you jump into the overpriced and tricky world of SPS.

6) As for your skimmer choices, I would reconsider both the skimmers that you have listed. Neither one is very good IMHO. If you car going to keep soft corals then by all means, they like a bit dirty of water so a GOOD skimmer might not be the ideal choice but if you want SPS your should look at a skimmer such as a euro-reef or turbo-flotor or something along those lines. Start reading here: [IMG]"></a> and here: [IMG]"></a>

7) A clean up crew is always a good choice but research what you want in your crew before you put it in there. IMHO blue leg crabs are not as good as red leg crabs. Some thing clean up different things so know what you are going to need to support your clean-up crew before you buy it. Not all clean-up crews are created equal! ;)

8) Dividing your 30 gal would be a good idea. I think the fuge link I posted above has ideas on that. If not let me know and I will find a new link.

9) No I can not think of much else you NEED to start off. Oh wait, Ya I can.... a QT tank for all the fish, corals, and inverts you are going to be putting into your tank! Believe me, set up one and you will thank me later!!! READ here: [IMG]"></a> Here: [IMG]"></a> Here: [IMG]"></a> and here: [IMG]"></a> Think about cooling options in the summer time. You will not need it now with the PC ligts (or you should not need it) but make sure it is in the back of your mind if you upgrade your lighting to halides. I life to run two heaters to to make sure one is a back up. I do not think a UV is needed but that is a big debate. I think you are good to go. Just make sure you plan out every step, like you have been, and make you you know about what you are thinking about puting in your tank before you do. If you do not know what it is, do not put it in your tank! Get a refractometer and a RO unit for your water. 2PPM for RO water is high, I would change the filters or find a new source for your RO water.

Hope all that helps!
Yes i would deff say get a cleanup crew as u are about to go threw an algae bloom and will keep the disapoint ment down to a minimum, i would say about 30-40 hermits and 30-40 snails and you should be could if u get them before the algae bloom by the time that it hits u will already be ready for it unlike me and u don't have to pull your hair out trying to rid tank of it, sounds to me like u have a decent setup going for u and great tank size also.

if u need to seed your sand with critters (copapods and such) i have some macro i can lend u for free to seed your sand, and also if u would like i can give u some of my water when i do a change to help out if u would like