New updates! Any suggestions or help post here!

Thank you.  We really appreciate it.  We really worked hard to make the mobile version easy to navigate and intuative.  Since we arent able to use Tapatalk we wanted to try and develop the mobile version of the website so that it would atleast mimic an app.   We will do our best to continue to add more and more amazing updates as quickly as we can.

****I set the edit parameters to 60 mins however I can add much more time to editing posts.

BTW:  If you are on a mobile device turn your phone to landscape mode.  It will revert to the desktop version and add the newest topics column.  :)
Much better... thanks!

Observation: One downside for me (but I’m old) is the website looks very sterile and minimalistic. Was it designed more for mobile phones and less for tablets, laptops and desktops?
We still have some work to do on our sponsor banners and other things that will only effect tablet /pc.  .  Some design adjustments and additions to add to it as well.  I personally like the mobile version and the tablet version as Im not in a PC very often.  But, these additions will help fill out space and make it its not so minimalistic.  The entire site is built with one design which is interpreted by the size of the screen.  The smaller the screen the more information it leaves out.  I hope that answes your question Floyd. :)

A note:  On mobile you can change the amount of infomation you are able to view by turning your phone in landscape mode.  It will add several columns that you see on a larger screen.
Update is nice!

Some suggestions:

For the website banner... I think we should experiment with white text (right now its black text, white on mouseover. try white text, yellow on mouseover), also, the outline around the fish of the ARC logo should be white as well as the text be white to create more contrast. Also, can the ARC wording be moved down a few pixels? Shouldn't be touching the fish.

Font in posts is too bold and condense, kind of a strain to read. For example, the font being used while typing this reply is nice and thin feeling, when I hit turns to bold and blocky. Same for the information to the left of someones post: I feel only the name should be bold, while offline, post count, title etc should be lighter weight.
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Thread titles dont need to be ALL CAPS, just the section titles

Stickies: hard to tell what the stickies in each section are....maybe the shading behind them should be light blue to differentiate.

For new posts, instead of only seeing WHO made a new post in a section, can we also see what thread like the screenshot? (are attachments working?)
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Getting close to becoming a frequent visitor again!
Thank you.  Great suggestions and we appreciate the feedbaclk.  Were working with our third party developer on a few issues which happens to coincide with your suggestions.  We had an issue with drown menus being tied to the header font color.  So if we go with white text the drop down menu would be white text as well on a white background.  Lol.  That wouldn't fly.

They are wotking on the coding for this and a few other custom adjustments.  You will see the updates over the course of the next week or so.  Perhaps sooner.

Attachments are simple and working.  Click on the picture icon in our text box while posting.  :)

Unfortunately, it maybe a few months before we are able to add more custom features such as the original poster added to the post like reef2reef.  These customizations are very expensive and can add up really quickly.  However, we will continue to add more and more features and dial in the adjustments as is possible.  Inwont stop until its as perfect as possible.

Again, thnak you so much fr the feedback.
When viewing a Topic index, Create a new thread button SHOULD ALSO be at the top, having to scroll to the bottom to create a new thread is unintuitive.

We actually experimented with that and everyone would post in the category forum list instead of the subcategory list.  Its still causing formatting issues.  I cant clean them up until their posts are expired.  But, I can try and figure out another option.
Please bring back the history threads. The current Search function is very limited. I typed in "German Shep" to try and locate some threads that I posted a couple of years ago here at ARC. There was some Great advice with some German Shepherd breeders that where in the replies area of my original post. I'm getting old and it would be nice to revisit those threads to re-nourish my memory. Thanks in advance.

Im so sorry.  I mentioned this in your other thread.  But, we had to slim down our database and didnt think anyone would miss the WTB months old and even years old threads.  We also trimmed down the old for sale threads for the same reason.  We had threads in the mentioned forums that were many years old and over 10,000 posts.