New what are these


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Can anyone identify these for me:

The first is a polyp of some kind, but it doesn't open, kind of forms a point.

The second is some kind of mussel or clam

The third is a type of crab, looks kind of furry, likes to pick algae
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Third is a Milthrax crab (emerald crab). They get "furry" after awhile in a tank. Or atlest my have.<span style="font-family: Arial;"> </span>
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<span style="font-family: Arial;">The Second is prob so sort of Bivalve or it could be just the shell of one that used to be alive. </span>
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<span style="font-family: Arial;">Good luck on finding out what the first one is. I had something that looked close to that and I never could figure it out. Mine got pretty big, busted at the top after a while (almost like a spore sack but I did not see anything come out), and then turned black and disappeared one day. I have not seen it in almost a month.</span>
In my experince I have never seen an emerald look like that. They are always green and not that fuzzy. They have always had the body shape like that but are the color of his claw. I may be wrong though. I can't tell what we are supposed to be looking at in the second picture and the first looks like it could be a zoanthid? Can't really tell.
Center of the 2nd picture next to the sponge, it is open. It is alive because it opens and closes. It has a series of like four filaments
The red thing in that little hole? Sorry I am Blind. Or is it the thing Just to the right of the red thing in the little hole. Right below the Toadstool?
right of the red thing in the hole under the toadstool
Don't get me wrong, my crabs are not that hairy but their legs are. Yours needs some Nair or something. I am sticking by sasquach emerald as my ID...
The crab looks like a "gorilla" crab (a member of the stone crab family), which is usually hairy all over its body with pointy claws. If so, he's a predatory crab that will eat anything he can get his claws on, including small fish and shrimp. He won't mess with your coral, though.
The general myth is that hairy crabs are bad crabs. I have read that this is just a myth, but if you don't know what it is get it out when you can because no crab is a true reef safe crab they are all opportunisitic feeders. Don't wait until you have a Darth Vader running around like I did.