What are these bubbles in the tank.

Also completed 80 percent water change last week. I had an anemone die and reduce to slim with a bad smell when I took it out. The small bubbles in the water disappeared and came back about 6 days later

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Nemo's is never open on Monday's regardless if it's a holiday. There's a chance Atlanta Aquarium will be open later.

Doing a water change will not get rid of parasites, no matter how big of one you do. There's stages to the Ich lifecycle where they fall off the fish. Every time you'll see more white spots or "bubbles" on the fish after 7-14 days.
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IF it is a parasitic infection, your main tank will either need a properly sized UV sterilizer, or the tank will need to remain without fish for 3-4 weeks minimum to allow parasites to die off. The fish will need to be removed and medicated in a separate tank, to be sure they are free from parasites.
-a UV keeps pathogens under control & prevents outbreaks, but cannot guaranty a cure once infected.
-keeping fish in a QT tank, will help catch (id) pathogens before release, but is no guaranty either.
-prophylactic (preventative) treatment with appropriate medication for the appropriate amount of time, before placing in the display tank, is the only assured way to prevent infection, in my experience.

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It's real hard to see from any of the pics posted but if they're new fish that haven't been through QT my first reaction is Ich (cryptocaryon). Velvet (oodinium) is smaller white spots compared to Ich. The rapid breathing is from the parasite in their gills. If it's velvet Time is of the utmost importance and it will effect all the fish in the tank and they all will need to be treated in a QT tank with copper or Chloroquine phosphate ASAP (because neither med can be used in a reef tank). But I really think it's Ich and while not as fast a killer as Velvet you still need to act quickly.

The Fish need to be fed thawed frozen food with Seachem Focus & Metro added to the food. The sooner the better!. This will not be a full cure but it will kill the parasites attached to the fish and give them relief while limiting the damage done to their gills. I don't know what stores are open tomorrow with the holiday... I have both and will give you what I have but I'm in Duluth.

Best pic I can get. Will remove him today for quarantine. The dottybot is dead this morning. Never buying another one from Petco, second one that died in 4 days from them.


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Looks like both new tangs are sick this morning smh. Clowns, fire fish, damsel, and others look fine. But will remove all once the store opens and I can purchase a QT tank.


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Those pics are definitely Ich. I wonder what’s causing the bubbles in your main body of water. I would still do the water changes just based of you saying you had an Anemone die that was smelly when removed from the tank. And since you have the bubbles in your main body of water in the tank.

Tangs are always more susceptible to Ich so it may not have been from the pet store but from the stress of the moves.
I also would not add anything living to the tank till you can sort everything out. Patience definitely helps in this hobby
I think with how many fish you have if it were me I’d treat them in the tank. I mean, to buy a quarantine tank for 12 large fish with pumps and filter is going to be so expensive. I’d treat the normal tank this time. And going forward I’d get a small quarantine tank for future purchases. But that’s just me.
Feeding food treated with focus & metro will kill the parasites on the fish. No other treatment that I'm aware of will work in a reef tank. You need to read up on Ich.

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If it were me, I wouldn't remove them to QT. Ich is in you system and it's not going anywhere and I'd bet that catching them and moving them would pretty much do them in. However, I'm not an expert and I'd really like someone else to chime in here. I just think moving an already stressed fish will cause more issues than it's worth. At the very least, make sure you can get a medication before they're moved because you'd want to treat them straight away. You can also look in to "hyposalinity" It's a way of treating ich but by altering salinity levels but I don't have any first hand experience with it.
I think with how many fish you have if it were me I’d treat them in the tank. I mean, to buy a quarantine tank for 12 large fish with pumps and filter is going to be so expensive. I’d treat the normal tank this time. And going forward I’d get a small quarantine tank for future purchases. But that’s just me.
What meds would I use to treat that will not kill all of my invertebrates?

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I also wouldn't get another tank at this point. You still can setup a QT for future new fish but the immediate need is to give those fish relief from the parasites before it kills them.

As mentioned above... get Seachem Focus and Metro to threat the food you feed the fish. Metro is the med and Focus binds it to the food. The sooner you do it the the better.
Knowing Rit, I'd think Atlanta Aquarium will be open at 11. If not I have both and I'll give them to you.
What meds would I use to treat that will not kill all of my invertebrates?

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I always have used garlic soak for my fish food when I have Ich and have never lost a fish. But Iv always started as soon as I suspect Ich. I soak the food a couple times a day and do that for a week or two (your tank I’d do two weeks) and then I do another week or two of soaks every other feeding. The length of time is key to help break the cycle of the parasite where they are not hosting on anything living due to the ingested garlic and to boost the fishes immune system. But I know people on here don’t agree with that so there may be a better or different methods.
The last post had a recommendation on another soak that I’m not familiar with but I’m sure that is also really good if it works for her. Anit77 posted (As mentioned above... get Seachem Focus and Metro to threat the food you feed the fish. Metro is the med and Focus binds it to the food. The sooner you do it the the better.)
What ever you can start doing right away.
It sounds like you may have two separate problems between the Ich and the bubbles in your water of the tank. I’d just slow down on adding things. Get the Ich under control. Find the issue causing the bubbles in your water as that may stress the fish also and let the tank have a month or two of not adding anything more to allow the bacteria to level out. It’s alot of fish for a tank that’s only been going a short time. And giving them time to adjust before stressing them out adding more fish can help avoid future Ich outbreaks
I would really check your water parameters. 15 fish in a tank less than 2 months old will really stress the filtration. I would check your ammonia levels and go from there.
Had water levels check at Atlanta Aquarium today. All levels where perfect. I'm treating the whole tank with focus and metro in the food. The guy there also told me to use Rally Reef, so turn off the skimmer and will let it cycle through the night and will repeat food treatment tomorrow.

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Blue tang is looking a looking a lot better now. Used the treatment method above. Going out to get some metro today, though I grabbed it the first time but had two focus meds. One clown died this moring and two have heavy breathing still. The other tang looks good as well as the other fish. A few spots on my cardinals, bit will repeat Rally again today.

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