Sierra Piedmont. We do environmental assessments, soil and groundwater remediation, etc. Lotsa fun once the stuff is cleaned up! Keeping the environment clean.
Welcome. There seems to be quite a few Woodstockers in the ARC. I also have a 3 gal running, about 7mths old. It is a Tom Aquatics. I replaced the HOB with an AC and am running filter floss and Purigen. I haven't figured out how to get decent pics yet. Feel free to swing by to check it out.
I am off Hwy 92 near the driving range between Trickum and Sandy Plains.
I can't believe I moved out to Alph... I still own a house at the Ace Hardware by Sandy Plains and 92. I was about 10 minutes from everyone. I would be open to an unofficial meeting at that Firehouse (or something like that) by 92 and Trickum some weekend.
Sure. Been there a few times. I used to play darts, nothing like a league or anything, and they had a bunch of boards there. Pretty fun place, at least at happy hour.
I could throw a rock from my office and hit The Firehouse! I'd be down to meet there for a beer (or 2) there sometime. And about that T-shirt, that would be cool too if somebody got some together!