Newb in da house

Sierra Piedmont. We do environmental assessments, soil and groundwater remediation, etc. Lotsa fun once the stuff is cleaned up! Keeping the environment clean.
Welcome. There seems to be quite a few Woodstockers in the ARC. I also have a 3 gal running, about 7mths old. It is a Tom Aquatics. I replaced the HOB with an AC and am running filter floss and Purigen. I haven't figured out how to get decent pics yet. Feel free to swing by to check it out.

I am off Hwy 92 near the driving range between Trickum and Sandy Plains.

Thanks Joe! I just passed your location headed back after another "Petland" run. Good luck with the pics, a real challenge for a lot of us. :up:
I can't believe I moved out to Alph... I still own a house at the Ace Hardware by Sandy Plains and 92. I was about 10 minutes from everyone. I would be open to an unofficial meeting at that Firehouse (or something like that) by 92 and Trickum some weekend.
Sure. Been there a few times. I used to play darts, nothing like a league or anything, and they had a bunch of boards there. Pretty fun place, at least at happy hour.
I could throw a rock from my office and hit The Firehouse! I'd be down to meet there for a beer (or 2) there sometime. And about that T-shirt, that would be cool too if somebody got some together!