So I've had my IM 120 running for a bit now. It was started with all the rock and bio media from a well established 75 gallon. For the first few weeks everything tested out great. Now all of a sudden my nitrates are through the roof (160+) I've dosed Redsea algae management, consistent weekly 20% water changes, 2 50% water changes, consistently changing out filter pads and socks, and ive been running a skimmer since saturday. Randomly it will shoot down to 15-20 ppm then within a day or two it's back up to 160+ ppm. All fish seem fine, the few corals I have seem to be thriving, and somehow all my inverts are still alive. I've used 3 separate tests at this point and all are testing the same. I did buy the tank used, not sure if there could be something pertaining to that to cause this issue. Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas on how to rectify it? I'm at my wits end here.