Normal Firefish Behavior?


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Added a purple firefish to the tank recently and have yet to see him out and about in the tank (and it's only 28 gallons). He stays buried under my LR. I literally have to take a flashlight and find him so I can spot feed through cracks in the rock using a dropper. I've been doing this for a week now and it's getting old:sad: He eats fine and looks beautiful, but dang is he shy. I thought firefish were lively and fairly communal. Should I just give him more time or should I stop feeding and wait till he gets hungry enough to come out. I only have a pair or picassos in the tank with him and they NEVER leave the BTA so aggressive tankmates is not the issue.
I don't think it's uncommon for these fish to hide for a week or two while they adapt to the new surroundings in the tank. I have had similar species with other gobies and they gradually adapted and came out of hiding. Give it some more time and yours should also.
Some fish would rather starve to death than venture out and get a bite to eat... A lot of gobies are like that for some reason. I recently put a helfrichi fire fish in my tank and it dove under a rock and never came out again. That was awesome... :sad:
My Yashi did the same thing for 3 he comes out and about. Give it a little more time and he'll be tapping on the glass asking for food in no time.
FutureInterest;306551 wrote: Some fish would rather starve to death than venture out and get a bite to eat... A lot of gobies are like that for some reason. I recently put a helfrichi fire fish in my tank and it dove under a rock and never came out again. That was awesome... :sad:

Bummer! I have been able to get reluctant fish eating by offering live treats such as enriched live adult brine shrimp.
I put a firefish in my tank about a month ago and haven't seen it since.
I only have a 10G nano with a false perc and a banded hawk bleny so it can't be that hard to find in there....

Either he's hiding really well...i never see him come to eat at feeding time either!
Should I continue spot feeding him or stop to try and lure him out. I don't want him to become accustomed to being fed in his cave and never come out.

Jin: I almost bought that Helfrici from Tim last month. As upset as I am about this purple firefish, I would have been livid if the Helfrici dissappeared into my rock stack. Is he still alive or has it bit the green weenie? I lost my 2-spot because he wouldn't come out to feed and holed up in an unaccessible area of my tank for feeding. I thought he'd be fine with the abundance of pods in my tank but I was wrong...LOL.

On another note, the firefish went carpet diving while I was drip acclimating him so it's a small miracle he's alive to start with. He was barely breathing when I found him but he sprang back to life after a couple of minutes in the drip tub.
Yah I'm the one that bought the helfrichi from Tim. It's a beautiful fish, and I saw it last saturday... :sad: Been out of town for a week though and who knows if its still in there...
I got a purple firefish and a regular one yesterday from creation. I saw them for about 2 minutes as some other fish was giving them a hard time and they disappeared for the rest of the evening. I'm just going to wait to see if they eventually come out. I had a goby disappear for a month or so and now I can't seem to not see it. Hopefully they come about for both of us, if not how I look at it they wearn't expensive fish.

Just thought I'd update. My firefish finally summoned enough courage to take an epic journey 2" from his cave and grab a piece of Mysis:thumbs: Then he dashed back into the rock at the speed of light....squared. What a pansy.

Oh well, at least he's making progress (and still alive).
I found that my purple firefish was much more timid than my orange firefish. Now they both chill at the front right side of the tank.
jonboyb;308217 wrote: the speed of light....squared.

He may have been traveling close to the speed of light but not the speed of light. You see Einstein has proven that as you aproach the speed of light your mass increases exponentially.

So in theory if you firefish had been moving at the speed of light I would guess his mass in that small body would be somewhere close to the mass of Jupiter and that would be bad for your tank.

Plus the sonic boom as he approached even the speed of sound would have made the neighbors angry.

He may however be concealing a device to bend space time or he may be packing some ttype of worm hole creator.

Either way, I would keep a close eye on him....he sounds way more advanced then us!
Seedless Reefer;308706 wrote: Either way, I would keep a close eye on him....he sounds way more advanced then us!

He has to be. Some guy built him a house and gives him free food. Wonder how they do it? Mind control?