Noticed this in sand


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Is this some type of work/organism? It is poop under the sand? Any ideas? It is only in one area(back corner of tank)
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To me looks like a type of serpent star. You sand looks brand new, just finished cycling, and you used live rock instead of dry rock?

Can you zoom in and take picture of a single cluster?
Tank has been up since June.

75 gallon tank, about 60 lbs of dry rock and 25 of live rock

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It doesn't appear to move at all(but it could be nocturnal)

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I'm fairly confident they're serpent stars. Does your entire sand beds outer visible edge look like this, or is it just in this particular area?
OK- to me that further supports it's likely not a bacterial bloom of some sort. Can you slightly move that area of sand just a bit and see if they move? Or take a close-up picture?
Yes. I'll give that a try in a few minutes and let you know

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That's what I do. Your tank is still very immature at this stage. It's likely this could be a type of bacteria blooming. If you move that area(don't go crazy stirring) and it disappears/mixes is with the water, I'd say it's bacterial. In that photo I do see traces of cyano algae beginning to bloom(the red/pink spots). Completely normal for the age of your tank. I'd bet the photo you posted is away from your power heads is likely a low flow area in your tank. Cyano typically will host in those areas. It's a good idea to read up on Cyano if you're not familiar with it.
It is actually directly underneath one power head and on the opposite side of the tank from the other. So it may very well be bacteria. It just seems to have a distinct shape like a worm

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Congratulations, you have discovered the wonderful world of benthic macro invertebrates. Looks like some of the many borrowing worms ( bristle are the most talked about ;-). Could also be some spaghetti in there as well. As they tunnel the allow water to more through the sand bed, reducing hypoxic areas. Mostly good guys
I read that if they die they release toxins into the water?

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