Nutrient Questions

your skimmer will also affect your PH if you make a drastic change.
I went from an octopus to a bubble king, and my PH stabilized a good bit higher since swapping them. Just a thought.
I've got a smaller Nyos that I've been considering swapping out. Especially if nutrients stay so low due to the ATS I think it may be more effective than the eshopps. The Nyos has a air adjustment, the eshopps doesn't. I'd think restricting air would cause ph to go down. Maybe not. What do you think it was about the BK that helped the ph? Just better mixture?
Already up to 8.08 with the lights scheduled on until 10:30pm. It shouldn't have any problem getting over 8.1 unless... unless by the time we're all home at 6:15 or so it levels off.
Peaked at 8.11 last night. Seems like an external skimmer air intake is in order. I never would have guessed that without hearing it here.
There are plenty of threads on it at R2R & RC.

Last night my NO3 was the same at 6. So I did a water change and vacuumed the sand bed. I also sucked up what I could get to in the sump. The PH dropped from 8.31 to 8.27 and stayed steady there until this morning where it climbed to 8.29. For the last several weeks I attach a line to the intake of the skimmer and ran that hose up a little more that 6 feet off the ground. The muffler for the skimmer is about 25" off the ground. I believe this has help some as the PH has been very steady. My Alk had dropped to 7 before the change and I'm going to test again tonight and see how much I need to add. It'll be interesting to see how high the PH goes when I add the Alk.

If your interested we can share Fusion Login names so we can see each others screens. Let me know.
7.8-8.1 is a perfectly acceptable range IMO if you can keep it pretty stable.
Maybe I missed it, but is this tank in a basement?
No. It's in my bedroom. Upstairs in 2400 sq feet. My bedroom door stays open most of the time, unless there's an unusual amount of CO2 being produced... but I haven't seen any change for those cases (I realize this is an open invitation for ridicule!! lol)
No. 2400 sq foot house. I was talking about when I close the door.
haha. you got it. I'd say the door is shut for an average amount of time lol.
It looks like I'm getting some good thick algae on the now. Po4 no change. Nitrate down to .05.

I didn't really try to rinse the loose bits off of the ats before I put it back in. Sent a bunch of bits of algae in to the tank when I put it back in. Looked bad but the tangs went crazy even only hours after getting some seaweed and shrimp. Are those bits that much different than phytoplankton? I assume they are too different for that algae to help the coral.

I'm going to do some more research on that tomorrow.

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It looks like ph started falling shortly after everyone washome and dinner was started. 6:20.

Adam and anyone else. Can I see how you have your air line and fillet's made? I guess specially the carbon.
so you are saying you believe that people are the reason your PH falls because they produce CO2?
I suppose thats possible... but I don't see it as plausible

I feel like you have too many variables going on here to figure out what you want to figure out.
so, what is the thing in question? The falling PH? (trying to figure out why it is falling during the day right?)
Yes. While school was out it was normally only me, my wife and the dog and it seemed pretty clear that the lighting was what caused the fall in ph and night and rise in the morning. I understand that is expected and we're talking a tenth of a point so it's also acceptable. Last night it started falling at 6:30 and is at 7.88 now.
If this is your bedroom tank I'd tend to agree with Brandon. CO2 is heavier than air so it will concentrate in the lower areas of your home, not your upstairs bedroom. Unless your house is tight as a drum and the HVAC is mixing the air column in the house.
It's not quite as hot today and it might be a good time to crack a window for a few hours in the bedroom in the bedroom when you get home. See if you get even the slightest bump.

I don't think my little mod is going to help you. My sump sits right on the floor of my basement and the intake for the skimmer is less than 30" above the floor. So I just ran a hose up above the tank level, a little over 6" up. As we get closer to winter when we need to turn the heat on I'm going to run a line outside.

Unless it falls below 7.8 I wouldn't worry about it. If you're that concerned you could cut off the Kalk and bring up your Alk with soda ash. If you look at my PH you'll see where I dosed 2-part Alk last night... I haven't had any coral in my tank until this last weekend and what I have now (Thanks to Ricky) is very small. So I have only been checking Alk every couple weeks and adding what the bacteria uses.
I guess that makes sense. I can run mine out the window right beside my tank. I just need to make a carbon filter for the line.

I was checking alk every other day while I dialed my kalkwasser. Now once or twice a week along with CA. That was a pretty big jump last night when you dosed.
The water change Monday night took my Alk from 7 to 7.42. I dosed 3.5oz last night to take it up to 8.0. Another 3oz tonight should take it to 8.5 and from here on out I'll monitor in closer so I can get my dosing dialed in and fire up the DoS. I just haven't had anything other than fish in the tank so I wasn't keeping very good track. I waited too long this last time...
Keep in mind a hose of any length will significantly decrease your air pull capacity of your Venturi valve. Just a thought

So long, and thanks for all the fish.