Octopus NW150 Needlewheel


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I just wanted to post my pro/con list so far on this skimmer in case someone else was looking into this unit.

<li>Very well built unit. Uses screw fittings on all joints so leaking is kept to a minimum if at all. Also, the plastic used in its construction far exceeds that of other skimmers I have used recently including an ASM G3 and a TurboFloter.</li>
<li>The pump is an Oceanrunner knockoff and some say the same thing. IMO, OceanRunner pumps are very good pumps. They are a bit quieter than the Sedras and perform nearly as well. After tearing it apart and looking at the needle wheel, it seems to be the exact same pump as the 2700. Pretty quiet as in better than a Mag but not as good as an Ehiem.</li>
<li>Bubbles... bubbles... bubbles. I don\'t know why this thing is kicking out more milky material than either the G3 or the TurboFloter, but it is.</li>
<li>Pump uses a low 38w to do its job. The same as the TurboFloter, but less than the Sedra 5000. If this skimmer performs as well as a G2 or G3 with that low power draw it could be a real winner.</li>
<li>With two bulkheads, a drill with hole saw and a little DIY attitude this skimmer could quickly be a recirc skimmer. Also the pump can support the mesh wheel mod.</li>
<li>Footprint is small at around 10\" square. The pump can be oriented in a variety of manners as well.</li>
<li>Seems they didn\'t use PVC standard sizing on the exit standpipe. For a lot of people this is no big deal, but if you want to put on a gate vavle it isn\'t as nice as the ASM G3. I slid a PVC elbow over it, but it doesn\'t fit securly. It does work however.</li>
<li>The screw fitting on the collection cup is very high quality, but it does mean adding an extra minute or so to remove the cup from the housing.</li>
<li>Another pain when using screw fitting is that you can\'t lengthen the distance the pump is from the skimmer easily. This isn\'t a big deal either, but worth noting if you have a strange sump setup.</li>
<li>The collection cup is small. It is certainly smaller than the ASM G3 and around the same size as the TurboFloter. To use this skimmer long term certainly means empyting daily on a larger tank and a mod to use a collection cup for vacations.</li>
</ol>I will let you know how the skimming goes in the next few days.
I know you can mod and purchase more stuff for it, but I still consider it a con that you have to do this. Overall I am impressed with the skimmer so far. I think it is a great budget skimmer and with a recirc/feed mod it would probably be a great skimmer.
24 hours later and this thing is sucking some nice dark skim out of my tank. I believe it will only get better over time as the skimmer "breaks-in", but out of the box it is doing a great job. I am sure it will get even better with the quick meshwheel mod.
This is from 32 hours after dropping into my 120. I only have 5 fish, but a lot of SPS. Anyway here it is and I am very impressed with the skimmer especially for such an inexpensive piece of equipment.
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Another pro of this skimmer is a built in "muffler" for the air intake. I built my own for the G3 easy enough, but it is nice to have one included.
ASM, but they are getting hard to find. A new G3 goes for around $250.
Cameron I have the DDNW-250 skimmer, i will post a pic a little later.
I am looking forward to seeing a larger Octopus skimmer running.

I wasn't sure about spending more than $150 on a budget skimmer, but after what I have seen this little one do I would recommend at least looking at the larger Octopus models.

Ultimately, this is going to be my backup skimmer as I am going to switch to a monster downdraft skimmer but I think on a 90 gallon or less this is a fine skimmer. If you have a light bio-load like me, I think it is fine on an even larger system.

BTW, a couple people pointed out that the skimmate should be darker. It was. I just throttled up the skimmer and kicked all the stuff at the top that hadn't made it into the cup. This of course diluted the mix. It was about half full of nearly black skimmate before I did this.
Here you go with my 3 year old daughter beside it, and she isn't small either.
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Very nice and very big... I thought the downdraft skimmer I am getting was huge. It is taller, but no nearly as beefy.
kh971 wrote: Cameron I have the DDNW-250 skimmer, i will post a pic a little later.

Where did you buy the skimmer?Have you got it running yet?
That thing is a BEAST!! (the skimmer of course not the cutie pie kid) What size pumps is that thing running? How tall and wide is the skimmer? WOW :ahh:
Bleedingthought wrote: So you'd rate the NW150 as better than the G3? I'm planning to put together a 180G but didn't want to ditch the G3 that's on my 75G now. Not sure what to do instead of upgrading to a larger one...

I would say it is better than the G2, but probably not as good as the G3. It isn't big enough IMO for a tank larger than mine and even on mine I wouldn't be cautious about the bioload. I would go for the NW200 which I believe is probably better than the G3 coming close to the G4.
I don't think she will EVER get a complex!!! I have a feeling I will need mental therapy by the time she gets to 16!! She is a great and wonderful child though and i am actually very proud of the way she is. She goes to daycare and tells the teacher ...."my daddy has crabs"....blue legged hermits that is.

The skimmer is 30 inches tall...I think and it is a 10 inch tube with dual Octopus pumps for recirculating. It is well built, one pump is a tad louder than the other. I am going to do a mesh mod to the wheels and try to increase the efficency of the skimmer and this should lower the power consumption of the pumps slightly. I have had it running for 2 months now and really like it.
I can actually clean the skimmer in 5 minutes also, what a relief. Unscrew the big bulkhead, carry it outside and blow out the cup with a waterhose, dry it off with some papertowels and screw it back on. Viola!!
kh971 wrote: I can actually clean the skimmer in 5 minutes also, what a relief. Unscrew the big bulkhead, carry it outside and blow out the cup with a waterhose, dry it off with some papertowels and screw it back on. Viola!!
The screw fitting it a more solid design, but the ASM skimmers pop the cup off with a half inch turn. That said, I don't think it is a big deal to spend a few extra seconds removing the collection cup.
One down side to the octopus is the heat when pump is submerged. the OTP 3000 pump may raise a med/smaller tank 1 or 2 degrees. great value IMO. very nice modded