Octopus NW150 Needlewheel

The pumps do get very warm to the touch. I see how they would warm up a tank.
Cameron... Will the Mesh wheel Mod for the NW150 Work inside the Oceanrunner 2700 instead of the needlewheel?!?
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Cameron... Will the Mesh wheel Mod for the NW150 Work inside the Oceanrunner 2700 instead of the needlewheel?!?

yes,it will work in the OR. The OTP pumps are a bit bigger than the OR. I believe the mesh works better in the bigger housings. most of the time it is to much air, so the OR should work fine.. The nw-200 mesh moded can pull 40+ scfh the skimmer can only handle 24ish.
Yeah the mod will work fine on the OceanRunner, but is a bit more work as the needles are larger and the wheel is bigger. Stock ORs and OTPs do not pull as much air in as the Sedra (so I have read). I haven't seen the numbers on what these things kick out, but if the mesh mod does cause too much air trim the mesh back a bit.

BTW, my OTP pump appears to be the same size as the OR pump.
Cameron wrote: Yeah the mod will work fine on the OceanRunner, but is a bit more work as the needles are larger and the wheel is bigger. Stock ORs and OTPs do not pull as much air in as the Sedra (so I have read). I haven't seen the numbers on what these things kick out, but if the mesh mod does cause too much air trim the mesh back a bit.

BTW, my OTP pump appears to be the same size as the OR pump.

What have you heard Sedras are pulling? i
(My OTP 3000s modded a little). I can get about 60 scfh out of one with no head pressure. I have one on my 7' lifereef clone.

The problem with the them on most skimmers modded with Mesh you can pull more air than the skimmer necks can handle. Good problem to have :D one ill build a new neck that can handle 60 Scfh

What Number OTP pumps ARE you Comparing the sizes too. Ive only had one OR pump, the 3700. It is about the same size as my OTP 2000. The OTP 3000 (Comparble ratings to the 3700) is much bigger than my 3700.