Hi everyone. I'm kirby from Oakwood. I'm not new to the hobby, (but definatly not an expert) but I am new to the ARC. Just discovered you guys after the purchase of a laptop. (yes, I'm new to the net too. still tryin to figure this stuff out, please be patient.) I've never had any friends that get into reefing the way I do. they all think it's nerdy or something! Losers. So i'm hoping this will be cool. I have a 90 gal all glass corner overflo. 40 gal sump. lots of equipment i've collected over the years, just up and running about 2 weeks now. I'm a big DIY guy, so most everything I rigged and made myself. Waiting for the tank to cycle, but I used good established rock and sand so hopefully not long. already have a few astreas and hermits living in the tank along with a lonely domino damsel. not much to look at I know, but I'm excited. I look forward to hearing from all of you with any questions or comments. cant figure out how to attach any pics yet but i'm trying to get out of the stone age. anyone who wants to show a new guy the ropes with frags, laptop help, sponsers, info on the ARC site, how to pay my $30, meetings, whatever. PLEASE, BE MY GUEST! HELP! Thanks everyone.