One frag tank or two?


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So I have two identical frag tanks 48x48x16 that I was setting up and one is now cracked and needs to be replaced.

Since I doubt I will find a used one in time, Im looking at getting a replacement made. My dilemma is for about 20% increase in total cost I can do a 96x48x16, and just replace both tanks.

My options are replace the tank in kind, keep all the piping that is in place and call it a day, Or get a larger tank and redo the piping?

The reason I went with dual tanks was for redundancy, so I could move the corals to one tank and empty the other if it needed cleaning or anything like that. But if I go with one large tank I gain a 2 square feet of real estate not used by central overflow boxes, and a lot more room under the tank for maintenance. Flow wise I planned to use two gyres on each corner to get the water moving in a circle around each of the smaller tanks. With the larger one that would be much harder to do.

I dont know what I want to do so lets start an argument about it!
If you plan to do two, do you plan to have them completely independent? If so, I would go with two. If you are going to have everything all plumbed together just go big.
It's all one system. Display and frag tanks are all run off the same sump.

Lighting will be the same either way, but I'll have to rethink flow for the large tank.
It's all one system. Display and frag tanks are all run off the same sump.

Lighting will be the same either way, but I'll have to rethink flow for the large tank.
Do not listen to these people and their rationale way of thinking. 1 massive frag tank or 37 slightly smaller frag tanks!
It's all one system. Display and frag tanks are all run off the same sump.

Lighting will be the same either way, but I'll have to rethink flow for the large tank.

Could you help the gyres circular flow with power heads in perpendicular corner if you put it on bottom would clear out any detritus too

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I was planning to use Gyres like that in the 4x4's with two at opposing corners mounted vertically to get the flow going in a constant circle around the tank. With the 4x8 it would be more of a peninsula than an island, and I need to look up what pumps can actually push 8 feet.