Operations Manual


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I started typing one up today for my tank. Does anyone else have one of these? If so, what did you include in yours?

As of now this is how mine looks:

Emergency Contact Numbers
Feeding the Tank Inhabitants
Checking Basic Water Parameters
Turning On/Off Powerheads
Turning On/Off Lights
Accessing AquaController via Computer
Cleaning Skimmer
Cleaning Canister Filter
Power Switch Configuration
AquaController 3 Power Plug Configuration

I got to thinking about what to do when someone might have to take over my tank short term and/or long term. I am not exactly sure how to organize it all as in should I take the approach of answering questions kinda like a FAQ or write it more as reference material. As you can see above, it is a mix. I am thinking of organizing into two sections. One for FAQ short term type info and then a long term index style section.

Anyway, thoughts, comments, ideas?
When you get it down pat come down to Macon and make me one also. lol:lol2:
It's a great idea, but I haven't reached that point yet. (I created a "how-to" for the entertainment system and my wife has created one for all the non-finned pets, so I'm sure I'll get there eventually!)

I'm still in the "turn these switches off when you feed the tank, and then don't turn this switch back on until the water level in the sump drops to here" mode with my wife.

I would consider including pictures in the manual--"this is what it's supposed to look like" kind of documentation!
A list of current occupants.
Basic health issues to keep an eye on(Ich, brookynella, pop eye, cloudy eye, fin and tail rot, etc.)
I am flushing it out now. Anyone interested in me posting this when I am done? I couldn't find anyone who did anything like this when I started.
If you want to exceed basics -
What ratios you mix your Mg, Ca, and buffer to achieve x results. How to add them to the tank (calcium chloride can burn right through the tissue of a coral). X amount of Mg will raise the current level of my system by X ppm.

And back the basics - How to make saltwater. Using and interpreting a hydrometer or refractometer. A thumbprint or old salt on the lens will give you an inacurrate reading and hytdrometers are never right!
I've made a couple of small manuals over time for people that had to watch my tank. The most (only?) used item in them was a picture I took of my sump area, with arrows on it pointing to the different valves, pumps, etc, with a footnoted description of each.
A couple thoughts. One would be going down the owners manual for operating and taking care of the things which would be all inclusive with parameters, disease mangement, lighting and all the things you mentioned.

Another short manual for the person who would take over a tank for a vacation and/or holidays. Here is how to feed i.e. types, placement, and amounts, two part adds, what to look for lights on, temp, ph for the basic management things along with emergency contact info. Similar to what mojo mentioned.

I am going for more of the basics. I don't want to write a book just a guide that someone who would be taking care of my tank for a week plus could use to keep things running. I will probably write out the ToDo for my aquarium and reference manuals from manufactorers such as when testing the water include the Salifert Test Instructions.
ill take care of your aquarium when your gone cameron. you are just a 5 min walk away from me.
I'd probably include a to do section by day that lists the maintenance for that particular day. That way if someone has to step in for you at an odd time, like an emergency trip out of town, they'll be able to go "it's wednesday, I have to do X" and can keep running from there until you get back...
We always have photos of each fish and a calendar of events to do each week. I also recommend including how to turn off the house alarm...I forgot once and the police showed up to arrest my fish sitter. Luckily he talked his way out of it.
An SOP in business is a great way to standardize your processes, so this would be an excellent tool for anyone to try and get their tank processes cleaned up.

At this point, my tank is more of a Scotty/Enterprise situation...my excuse being the tank I'm moving into will be setup right.
Cameron;102997 wrote: I started typing one up today for my tank. Does anyone else have one of these? If so, what did you include in yours?

As of now this is how mine looks:

Emergency Contact Numbers
Feeding the Tank Inhabitants
Checking Basic Water Parameters
Turning On/Off Powerheads
Turning On/Off Lights
Accessing AquaController via Computer
Cleaning Skimmer
Cleaning Canister Filter
Power Switch Configuration
AquaController 3 Power Plug Configuration

I got to thinking about what to do when someone might have to take over my tank short term and/or long term....

Anyway, thoughts, comments, ideas?

This is a great Idea Cameron! :up: I've been thinking that I need to do this too!

Cameron, since I do not know system or its plumbing, I'd add the following to your list:
* How to create RO / DI water
* How and when to do a water change including how to make the saltwater (temp, salinity, PH, oxygenate for 24 hrs, etc.) and how much to change
* How to top off your tank
* How to create and drip Kalkwasser
* What to do for each water parameter you're monitoring if it goes outside of your desired range (e.g., salinity, calcium, PH, temperature, ORP, oxygen)
* Power Company Customer Service Phone # and your Customer/Account # with your Power Company to report or find out the status of a power outage (This happened to me 2 wks ago when a transformer blew and we lost power for 3+ hrs).
* What to do when you're without power (UPS system, generator, etc.)
* What to do when a light bulb burns out or breaks (where is the spare lamp located, etc)
* When to change the carbon and how much to change each time

Please keep us posted about your progress.

I'd love to get a copy of what you've written so that I could adapt it to my own situation.


I've made a daily, weekly, monthly maintenance sheets in excel (like the sheets we use for hosp lab equip). Using this with addendums to explain the steps if required is a good way for someone to step in.
I am still working on mine. Once I get it cleaned up, I will post it as a template.