orangeback fairy wrasse sick?!


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i have an orangeback fairy wrasse ive had for about 2 months now.

for the last month id say he has been swimming at the top of the tank and staying in-between the glass and the powerhead.

only comes out when i come close to the tank....i.e. feeding, checking water, and so on

he does seem to have a rather large bulge in his stomach, im figuring this is possibly some type of swim bladder infection or maybe he is just constipated

been getting a steady 2x daily feeding of mysis, metronidazol, all soaked in zoe....hasnt gotten worse but hasnt gotten better.

salinity: 1.023
nitrates: 0
nitrites: 0
ammonia: 0
ph: 8.2

any help input would be great, id really hate to lose this guy.

already lost my solarensis after my eurotrip since my ******* forgot to put the cover on the tank before i sure you can figure out what happend there....
oh....i guess i should have mentioned that he has been swimming upside down for the last month....might be important huh???
since it's a wrasse, I would treat my tank with prazi-pro like 3 treatments. not sure about your specific diagnosis though. they are prone to worms.
i guess i could give him a bath with it....couldnt actually dose my tank.....have like 3 hawaiian feathers dusters. ill check it out, thanks.
Prazi did nothing to my feather dusters, but that don't mean u will have the same luck. You can also try metro/focus and mix with frozen food. Again, I gave no idea what's wrong with your fish. Pm Jeremy, if u want.