Ordering from US Plastics


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I'm going to be ordering some http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=USPlastic&category%5Fname=32&product%5Fid=4293&variant%5Fid=8532">mixing tanks</a> from US Plastic around the end of next week.

If anyone else is interested in these tanks, we can get a progressively higher discount the more we buy.

Also, if you are interested in any of the little stuff on their site, I would be happy to piggy back that on my order. They sell lots of useful things that ordered individually would cost more in shipping & handling than the cost of the item.

I am flexible on the order date if people want/need to push it out a week or 2, but I'd like to get the order done by early March at the absolute latest.
Be aware that the plastic tanks are dropped shipped, so adding things to the order may incur an additional shipping charge for those items.
Yeah. I checked on that. The drop shipping is pretty rough, but where an order with $10 of stuff has about $6-$7 S&H, adding a $10 stock item from them to a drop ship order added only about $2 S&H. Obviously, there's some variance for larger items.

I only intend to charge people the additional S&H from their orders. Essentially, I'm offering to eat the initial handling charge that makes ordering a small item for $5 or so absurd because stand-alone S&H would make it a $10 order whereas if you piggy onto my order it's more like $5 + $2. If you order a tank, though, you'll probably incur just as much S&H as if you ordered alone. The advantage here is if we all order the same sizes (or at least in groups of 2 or 4) we can get discounts.

I also figured some people would like to get mixing water tanks (i.e. ones that don't bow when you fill them with water and have better covers than Rubbermaid) because at 2, it's a 5% discount. 4 = 10% discount.
Nope. I'm stalling until next week because I've been lazy about cleaning up my garage.
Now would be a good time to order clear tubing if anyone was going to build a calicum reactor. They have pretty good prices. Also I have a good link on a DIY reactor if anyone is interested.

Ok, I got the PM's. We're up to 3 on the 40 gallon tanks. 1 more and we get a 10% discount, if anyone wants one of these tanks.
Sorry, Jessezm didn't see your reply.

With 4 of the 40 gallon tanks, we get a 10% discount making them $70.21 each and shipping would be $52.30 total which means ~$13.08 each shipping for a total of about $83.29 for each tank. Shipping grades down roughly 70 cents each for each extra 40 gallon tank.

You can also order a different size tank and the shipping will drive down roughly on par with the % cost of the order. That is, more tanks of any size will drive the shipping down, but not increase our discount. You have to buy at least 2 of any given size to get 5% discount and 4 of any given size to get 10%.

The next discount is for 12 or more and you get 15%, but I am thinking that we won't get 12. :D

I am going to place this order near the end of next week (probably Thursday) simply to get it rolling, unless I hear from someone that they would like me to wait (and remember that there are others on this order, so "please wait until May" isn't likely to happen :) )

Up to 5 40 gallon tanks and some misc items. I'll be ordering tomorrow.
Sorry, forgot to update the boards. I placed the order Friday afternoon:

5 40 gallon tanks:
2 - Me
1 - kjessop
2 - jessezm

Float valve - kjesop

3 siphon pumps - mojo

When I get charged, I'll let everyone know how much.
I should add that we'll have to arrange pick ups for the tanks at my house. I most definitely can't bring them in my trunk to the meetings. :)

The rest of the stuff I'll bring to the meeting if it arrives in time.
BUMP. Check your PM's. The tanks are here according to UPS and I can do pickups before or after the meeting.