ot web page help


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ok i wanted to know if there was any place on lline that i could make my own web page for free and if so what would you guys suggest,im pretty good with computers so i dont think the esiest is the best if its a little hard i can mannage ,just dont know anything about html thanks in advance victor
Who is your internet provider? Major ones like Bellsouth (AT&T) and Earthlink offer free web pages.
Have you already googled *free web pages*? Used to be sites that offered them (such as geocities). Believe the only catch was the advertising that you had to put up with on your site.
flaco626nj;74947 wrote: ok i wanted to know if there was any place on lline that i could make my own web page for free and if so what would you guys suggest,im pretty good with computers so i dont think the esiest is the best if its a little hard i can mannage ,just dont know anything about html thanks in advance victor

Do you need a website for your business/job or is this for something personal? There are many MANY options out there but if you can give more insight into your need, I may be able to help nudge you in the right direction; free of course. :)
its just something i wanted to do nothing for buisness though more like something personal for friends to see thats all .....just something to keep me busy myspace sucks and to much bs
Yeah kappanight is right,. there are tons of places,.. and linda hit the nail on the head when it comes to the price (nothing is free lol) ads,. but it really does depend on what you wanna do,. you can get your average run of the mill free server which allows html and some css & js,. on geocities, bravenet, freewebs, and many other ones....all with ads,. some other free ones might provide you with more then ads,.
I had a geocities web page started after my son was born, to share pics with long distance friends and family. After uploading as much content as I could, it blinked out of exsistance after a year or so......
Who is your dial-up provider? Even most dial-up accounts have a free web space. Also, I have to ask, why not get the minimal DSL? unless you're using Net Zero and can't afford the $10 extra.

I would also point out that a little known side deal of the AT&T/Bellsouth merger is that they have to offer $10/mo DSL to some locations. I'm not sure the exact terms, but it does involve never having had DSL service from AT&T or Bellsouth in the past.
I Dppnt Have Dsl Because The Phone Is On My Fathers Name I Didnt Want A Ouse Phone But He Insested He Would Pay For It In My House I Also Use His Aol Account But There Free Web Page Sucks I Plan On Getting Cable Once My Contrack With Dish Network Exp.so I Can Go With A Comcast Package