OUTDATED, SEE NEW THREAD Bloody Mary Shrimp and Plants for sale


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Bloody Mary Shrimp:
$4 each
10 for $35
20 for $60

I always remove sub-par colors before they get a chance to reproduce, though they breed true the vast majority of the time. These guys are way nicer than standard cherries. Pics are not edited but I do have a custom light fixture that really brings out the reds.

Plants: A. Reinekii free with purchase of shrimp (subject to availability). Otherwise $1 per stem. Portions of Windelov Java Fern are $5.

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Hi -

I'm definitely interested in the shrimp and plants. I have a 40 breeder so probably 10 should be enough. I haven't had shrimp yet and have 2 cory's and a small pleco so I'm assuming they wouldn't cause an issue? Also, what kind of corals do you have? Thx

The big bunch of red plants is Alternanthera Reinekii. I also have some Rotala Wallichii available now. Typically $1 per stem or 5+ stems free with shrimp or coral.
Other cuttings available by request at $1 per stem: Rotala Wallichii, Nesaea Pedicellata, H. Corymbosa 'Compact', H. Araguaia, Cardinal Plant


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I know this is an older thread but maybe you are have some shrimp and plants ready? Just starting up some FW nano tanks. Thanks. Bob
I know this is an older thread but maybe you are have some shrimp and plants ready? Just starting up some FW nano tanks. Thanks. Bob

I've got plenty of shrimp, actually have some Fire Red, Green Jade, and Snowball available now in addition to the Bloody Marys. Also got some high end Blue Sapphire shrimp but that colony still needs to grow.

The plants unfortunately are having some algae issues ever since guppies overpopulated my tank... might be able to pluck some clean new growth. Pm me if there's anything you're interested in!
thanks!!! I’ll be in touch. Just getting the tanks going. I’ve got some time before ready to add livestock i think.