Outer Orbit HQI Lighting Fixture Light Cycle?


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I have a Outer Orbit HQI Lighting Fixture with a 10K MH 150W, 2X65 Dual Actinic 460/420nm Sunpaq (back bulb) and a 2X65 Dual 10K Daylight & 460nm Actinic (front bulb) fixture over my 20GAL Reef. I have it mounted (hanging kit) about 6 inches off the water. What would be everyone's opinion on lighting cycles?

I am currently running the following:

-2x65 Actinics/Daylight Sunpaqs: 6:50AM to 9:00PM
-10K MH: 11:00AM to 8:00PM
-Moonlights: 9:00PM-6:45AM.

I am getting good growth but I don't know if this is too long of a light cycle, i.e. algae gowth etc. Advice please and thanks in advance!
I have the 48" version.. I run my actinics from 11am to 11pm. MH from about noon to 10pm. moon light from the fuge from whenever till about 2am. I think there is a need for complete darkness for some organisms... my urchin and peppermint shrimps don't start venturing until it's completely dark.

I just know that sometimes when I get home from work that it seems that some of the corals, Xenia and Zoos close as if they have had too much exposure to the light. How far from the water surface is your light? What does everyone recommend for a 150W 10K MH? Tank depth is 18 inches to substrate and highest LR is about 7 inches from the fixture.
so how is the proper light cycle determined? I am considering getting better lights (something like what you got) to replace my PC lighting.
Flyingarmy how much where those lights if you don't mind me asking?
Stroid wrote: so how is the proper light cycle determined? I am considering getting better lights (something like what you got) to replace my PC lighting.
Flyingarmy how much where those lights if you don't mind me asking?

I bought it from Fish & More in Buckhead, got a good price at the time: $440.00 with a discount. I have seen them online cheaper now though. Current has a newer model that has more moon lights. But the older model is still available and you can definitely find it cheaper that the newer model and it has the same features, minus a few blue/white moon lights.
I just use the legs for mine so it's a few inches above the water. From water surface to bulb though, it's probably about 6 inches. The proper lighting cycle would probably be something similar to the lighting cycle in the tropics... though if you have softies, I may move some closer to the shade or reduce the timing a bit. My mushrooms and ricordias are all on the bottom of the tank and somewhat hidden in the shade. They don't fare so well if they're too high up.