Overflow Standpipes, buy or build?


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So my the 180g tank I just got is drilled on each corner. The standpipes are missing so I need new ones.

So should I build them based on the Durso plans? Or buy the megaflow kit?

What are the pros vs. the cons?


i am going to follow this thread cause i would like to know as well i have the mag flows and have no problems with them but am intrested to know the diffrence in which is better
how about an i dont know but would like to know section loren cause i cant chose neither
I agree with Andy both are easy to make. I have not had to much experience with overflows but I made my durso and love it.
T pvc inside with slits and screens on the ends and durso on outside
Hmmm...I think I'm seeing a trend.

I foresee a wine for Durso help thread in the near future.
Personally, I am a buy kinda guy on this. If you buy it, you get an adjustable setup that has bulkheads and locline. All plug and play. You can do it cheaper in terms of sale price, but if you count driving and walking the isles of Home Depot the difference evaporates pretty quick.

Are asking about build or buy for the drain and return plumbing or for the actual overflow or both?
I am in the process of building a durso for my 90gal. Extremely cheap and easy to build. Also I like the thicker wall of the pvc over the mega flow's. They just seem rather flimsy.
Good point, both. But I have some loc line from the original setup...just no pipes.

Schwaggs;124522 wrote: Loren,

Are asking about build or buy for the drain and return plumbing or for the actual overflow or both?
If you have the locline and bulkheads, I would build my own. However without those, it is easy to just "turnkey" it.
I wouldn't use the Mega-Flow overflows, the teeth and lip on the inside of the overflow are a pain to keep clean.

I would build the standpipe myself, it is so simple to build.
DIY all the way. I drilled a couple of 1/2" holes above the T for an emergency overflow, "just in case". I periodically run a brush thru it to clean it out.
down and outman;300644 wrote: DIY all the way. I drilled a couple of 1/2" holes above the T for an emergency overflow, "just in case". I periodically run a brush thru it to clean it out.


how is the sound? I just had my air hole open once and it gurgled like grandma swallowed her teeth...
